birthday celebration

On Birthdays. A Privilege.

On Birthdays. A Privilege.

Never regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many. ~author unknown

This is one of my favorite quotes and one I try to keep at the forefront of my mind, especially when birthdays roll around.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy my birthday, because I do – very much so! But I hear many regrets of getting older from others. I don’t want to ever take it for granted.

When John and I went out for my birthday dinner on Saturday to a place we’d not been before called, Capone’s, I saw t-shirts hanging behind the bar with the quote above, which is one of my favorites –  and well, I just had to have it and John bought one for me (thanks, honey!).

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When I woke at 4am today – my 53rd birthday (well, almost. I don’t “officially” turn 53 until five minutes to midnight, as that is when I burst into the world five decades and three years ago), the first thought I had was of my mom.

I recall her telling me at one time or another how it was a sweltering heat wave the week I was born. And then I thought, hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of my mom pregnant with me. It made me think about how that is so common these days – women posting pictures of their bare, round bellies. It would have seemed odd for my mom to do that though.

But each birthday I celebrate, especially the older I get, and even more so since my dear friend lost her mom almost three years ago, I have moments of thinking of that inevitable “someday” I will have to go through – the day, my dear, sweet, mama will no longer be here with me.

It’s hard to think about the rest of my birthdays without her – the one who brought me into this world – the one who has my back – the one who loves me unconditionally – the one who is my biggest cheerleader – the one who has laughed and cried with me – the one who drinks wine with me – the one who when I look into her eyes, I see myself.

B hanging out with Mom

Each celebration of another year on this earth, I try with all my might to take in every. single. moment with my dear mama deep into my soul. I guard it with the utmost care and treasure it more than I can find words to even express.

And I remind myself of what a privilege it is to have had all the years I’ve had so far to celebrate with my mom. That this too, is one that has been denied many. I’m truly blessed.

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And so today I celebrate my life and give thanks for all that it is and what it is yet to be.

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Celebrating this Special Guy Today. Something You May Not Know.

john eThis handsome little guy turns 55 today. The only boy out of five sisters.

I met this little guy when he was just four years old. Little did I know, or perhaps I did, but he would turn out to be the love of my life.

You see, this is my Johnnie. The man I’ve been married to for almost 30 years.

Oh how I recall seeing him for the first time in highschool. I was a freshman and he was a senior. I can still see that dark blue winter jacket he wore with the fake fur collar (yes, that was in then). His hair hung just a smidge over the back of his collar.  The jacket he loved and called it his “cop jacket” because he thought about being a policeman.

We didn’t date in highschool, but oh, how I admired him from afar. After he graduated he went off to college, which turned out to not be what he wanted in life. He returned to our small town six months later.

I was half way through my sophomore year when I was walking home one night with my friend. He pulled up in his big brown Pontiac and asked me if I wanted a ride home. I knew that first night with him that I loved him.

I don’t recall when we discovered this other piece of the story, but it still makes me smile to this day. We came to find out that when my mom was pregnant with me, she and my dad had rented a cabin. And you’ll never guess who was staying next door?

Okay, so you guessed right. It was John’s family. He was four years old. I like to say that I peeked out of my mom’s belly button, saw John, and said, “I’m going to marry that guy some day.”

So I say a very Happy Birthday to the little guy that is now all grown up. How absolutely lucky and grateful I am for him. The love of my life. The one who is always making me laugh. Who is always making me feel special. Who is the most kindest and hard working man.  Happy Birthday my dear Johnnie.