Excerpt from Animal Reflections Healing Oracle ©Barbara Techel
Dragonfly – GRACEFUL
Over the years you’ve done the work of strengthening your metaphorical wings while cautiously and courageously revealing to others more parts of who you are. This hasn’t always been easy. At times it has required you to retreat within and rest in the warmth of the sun as it fills you up with vital life energy.
Now is such a time to consider once again what it is that may be disrupting your inner peace, causing you to feel as if your light has gone out. Are you being pulled off center by someone else’s thoughts or opinion of what they feel is best for you?
It’s important to discern if this is their personal projection or it’s been offered from a place of well-meaning intention for your best interest. Dragonfly has been elegantly flying upon this planet for over 180 million years and holds the ancient wisdom of knowing what is illusion and what is truth.