Guided Meditation – Loving All Aspects of You thru the Wisdom of Animals & Nature

Dear Friend,

Below you will find a guided meditation to help you connect to, and extend compassion, to all aspects of you, and especially that of your inner child, through the exquisite wisdom of animals and nature.

I’ve also included (below the meditation) three prompts for you to reflect on after the meditation by pulling an oracle card for each from your favorite deck.

Before listening to the meditation here is a list of suggestions to first set up a dedicated space before you embark on this sacred time just for you:

*Have a notebook or journal and pen ready.
*Make a cup of tea or grab a favorite beverage.
*Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
*Have some calming or relaxing music ready to play after the meditation or enjoy the silence as you journal.
*Light a candle if you wish or burn incense or sage.
*As you read each prompt, pause, reflect, and write down what comes up for you. Try not to censor anything and honor all your feelings. If it feels too vulnerable, burn the page after you’ve journaled. But getting our feelings to move from inside to the outside is so important for releasing and healing.
*When you are complete thank nature, the animals, and your inner child for the love and support.
*Allow the wisdom of the cards pulled and your reflections to simmer and integrate into your being by perhaps taking a walk in nature or just sitting for a few more minutes in silence.
* Your journaling may offer additional insight as the days go by and those are great bits of nuggets to add to your journal.


Pull an oracle card from a deck of your choosing to reflect with each prompt below.

How is your inner child feeling right now?

What does my inner child need from me?

What will help my inner child feel supported?

I hope this meditation and journaling with oracle cards provides helpful, healing, and beneficial insight for you.

If you’d like to learn more about my animal oracle deck:

Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

If you’d like to learn more about my oracle readings for people and for people and their pets:

Animal-Human Bond Oracle Readings

Just for You Oracle Readings

Much love from me and our trusted animal allies,



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