The Day After. The Liminal Pause. And Contentment.

Happy day after Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I do love this week in between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It is a lovely week to just pause. reflect. gather. and then move gently and thoughtfully into 2022.

Our Christmas eve and day was quiet. Just the two of us, the birds, and one squirrel…more about that squirrel in just a moment!

Christmas eve morning had me in the kitchen excited about making special treats for my bird friends – peanut butter smothered on pinecones and dipped in birdseed as pictured above. Here’s a short video of this fun activity in action.

I then hung some on the birch branches and a hook on the side of Joyful Pause Cottage. The other two I put out in my garden box hung from a metal decorative piece I have placed in the dirt. The last one I tucked into a Christmas bough hanging off our deck rail.

It didn’t take long for the birds…um… wait….no… a squirrel (!) to be awakened by the smell of peanut butter tickling his nose. It enticed him out of his winter slumber as he followed his nose, up the steps and onto our deck.

After much contemplation and eyeing up the treats from every angle the squirrel didn’t take advantage of the treats. He could have easily scored any of them. Perhaps he is still in a stupor from his long winter’s nap, which has really just begun, that his brain couldn’t quite make the connection.

And for that, the birds are grateful as they’ve been indulging joyfully. I sat on the floor in our bedroom for about fifteen minutes yesterday just taking in the delight scene of watching finches, nuthatches and chickadees enjoy the special Christmas feast.

Christmas eve I set up a small blue table in front of our woodstove. Before dinner and a holiday movie, John and I took a little ride through our village to listen to some of our favorite Christmas songs and see the holiday lights. The morning began foggily and only thickened as the day went on. But it added a mystical quality to viewing the lights.

Christmas Day, another quiet day, I moved between the chair in the living room, to the sofa, and back again a few times as I read and finished a holiday-themed book – The Reindeer Helper. I discovered the story continues with another book in the series called, The Candle Giver. But I shall save that title for next year. During this week of the pause, I will finish reading The Hygge Holiday.

While this year was different than in years past, just as last year was, I found myself feeling more at ease with the choice we made to just be the two of this holiday season. Sometimes I catch glimpses of a future Christmas elsewhere as we contemplate John’s retirement years approaching in three short years. I’m not sure I’m ‘there’ yet, but I do feel more open to other possibilities than I have in the past. But I continue to just allow myself to be open and trust what will be and that we will just know when and if a change is what we’d like.

As the day began to draw to a close I sat in quiet contemplation gazing out our living room patio doors that look out into our backyard.

It was a simple and quiet Christmas. Just the two of us. And oh, one somewhat still sleepy squirrel and many happy birds!

This morning scrolling through Facebook I saw this image that touched my heart. I saw myself in it. How I love being connected to nature and the animals. And how this is what makes me feel content. Even though at times I can feel an inward tug of that conditioned self and way of being that tries to beckon me back.

But it’s yet another lovely reminder to live in the present. To go with the flow. To dream. To pause often. To appreciate life. To be grateful. And to simply be.

Wishing you all good things during this week of the liminal pause.



As you contemplate the New Year ahead and wish to enter into it in balance, centered, and with a heartful intention, it’s a wonderful time to give yourself the gift of an Oracle Card Reading. I offer one-hour readings to deepen the relationship with yourself and I also offer one-hour readings for your pet and you. You can check them out here:

Wisdom in the Pause Oracle Reading or Wisdom in the Paws Reading