Birthday Animal Guide For My Next Trip Around the Sun

Lion/Courage card from Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck & Lion rendering postcard art from wildlife artist, Jules Chabeaux

In a post I shared a few days ago I wrote about how I pick an animal card each year for my birthday. This animal then serves as my ally for that birthday year cycle. I hope you will enjoy doing this practice for yourself too!

So today, being my birthday, I said goodbye to Snake who was my ally the last year and was excited to pull a card to see who my animal guide will be for the next 365 days – and it is Lion and the message of Courage – which is from my deck, Animal Reflections Healing Oracle.

Right away I smiled because of a recent synchronicity. It was just last month my name was picked in a drawing from wildlife artist, Jules Chabeaux. I’d won a postcard of one of her beautiful animal renderings she picked at random for me – and it was of Lion!

And it is Lion I learned many years ago from an intuitive reading I had for myself that the reader shared with me that Lion has been with me since birth. Plus the year I had the reading done Lion was my guide three months out of that year.

From my guidebook about Lion:

Lion stands confidently and nobly upon the abundant planet as the sun’s luminous rays spread positive energy and an invigorating vibration across the Universe.

This is your time to soak up every ounce of earned wisdom you’ve accomplished to this point on your expedition. You understand when you honor and give attention to all of your aspects, self-respect elegantly rises to the surface and takes center stage as you lovingly feel supported from the inside out.

Having done the brave and courageous inner work of examining and releasing emotional wounds keeping you bonded to fear, you’ve been granted the gift of clarity and a sanctuary of inner peace. You stand in your power and welcome in a rush of acceptance for your life instead of engaging in the angst of struggle.

The mask has come off and the mane of your truth flows with gentle strength as you proudly show the world who you are. Like the sun continues to transmit its healing rays to the planet and all its inhabitants, your soul vibrates at a refreshing level adding a lustrous glow to the world.

As I marinate in this message, indeed, the older I get, the more I let go of fear as I continue to step into my true self.

Happy Birthday to another evolution of me! And to you too whenever it is you celebrate your birthday!

