Turtle Oracle Message – ARHO

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Turtle navigates easily between land and water, enjoying the healing elements of both, while moving at a pace signifying no concern for time.

The shell on Turtle’s back is its home. It can’t be discarded. It provides shelter from outside destructive forces as well as a sense of security. In this way, Turtle brings you a moment of reflection to look at where it is you are struggling or have feelings of fear when outside your home.

Perhaps you are in a slump and pondering a change in a job, relationship, or locating to a new home. Turtle has shown up in time to remind you that before making any major decision to be sure to center yourself in the present moment.

Consciously move your awareness from your mind to that sacred home within yourself. Devoting time each day to your world within will add a foundation of security so no matter where you go or new people you meet you will have this safety net within.

As you investigate starting anew, be sure to also focus on what is stable in your life. This will help ground you so you can open yourself to the tender feelings needing to be felt and understood before making a change.

Gently exploring what is working and what needs attention in your inner home will lead you to feel more secure as you embark on something new. Remember to take your time and partake in Turtle medicine. No need to hurry. Clarity and new ventures are granted when peace and freedom is felt within.
