For the past 25 years plus I’ve partnered with the wisdom of animals, oracle cards, and my intuition to receive life-changing insights that guided me to heal many inner conflicts including childhood trauma.
This led me to understand that when we open our hearts to what causes us pain, gently acknowledge and understand its presence, we are then better able to heal on a deeper level that leads to a more peaceful and balanced state of being.
Along my personal healing journey, I’ve incorporated many different tools, techniques, and teachings which guided me back to the core of who I truly am.
And I now serve as an Intuitive Reader & Mentor guiding others to deepen the connection with themselves, animals, and the planet.
We all deserve to be seen, heard, held in compassion, and heal.
Along my journey of healing, animals, and dogs in particular, have continually reflected a profound love for me despite how I saw myself as flawed and unworthy. In turn, the deep and compassionate love I held for them is what exquisitely guided me to extend that same love to myself.
I’ve written three nonfiction books about the human-animal bond and my transformational healing journey, plus two children’s books about my dachshund who lived life to the fullest in a wheelchair built for dogs.
My healing journey and the deep and profound teachings I received are inspired by three special needs dachshunds, two Labrador retrievers, a wolf, a snake, and a horse. And later on, Spider, who would open me even further into the value of shadow work.
It was my dachshund, Gidget, who lovingly served as my Master Teacher (or as I called her – my Buddha dog!) who helped me to finally give voice to, and heal, a childhood trauma I’d kept suppressed for over fifty years. This led me to my heartfelt mission of becoming an Intuitive Oracle Reader and Guide helping people to not only strengthen their bond with themselves, but with their pets too.
I believe at my core that animals wish for their fellow human travelers to heal and live in joy and that this is what will lead to more harmony and peace for all beings on the planet.
Certifications & Training
I believe the best “certification and training” for this earthly life comes from doing the necessary and vital inner work, facing the shadow aspects of ourselves, and then allowing the integration of all aspects of who we are in order to heal, and then being in service to guide others. And with that said, if you’d like to see my other accreditations, they are listed at the bottom of this page.
My Path to Living a More Meaningful Life
It’s been dogs, dachshunds in particular, that have guided me in some pretty profound ways over the years. Gidget, who passed on in May of 2019 served as a reflection of childhood trauma I needed to work through in order that I could let go of an identity and old patterns I clung to.
It was a recurring vision that plagued me for over two decades that I had to finally call upon every ounce of courage, faith and commitment in order to understand the depression and anxiety that was consuming me.
I employed a myriad of metaphysical tools, with each serving as a building block to self-knowledge, inner self-care, and healing.
I learned to tap into my intuition with insight from oracle cards, examine my dreams, embrace the power of ceremony, and took part in life-enhancing breathwork.
Not only was I guided by a Master healer and teacher in Gidget, but it was also the wisdom from snake, wolf, and horse that had a deeply profound effect on me too.
I’d eventually come to understand that the turmoil I was going through at the time was truly happening for me, not to me. All were integral in helping me transform my pain and accept it as a gift and the path I was meant to walk in order to finally understand that I am worthy just as I am.
My journey with Gidget is chronicled in my third memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am – Healing Emotional Pain through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles
WINNER of the RIO AWARD 2020
(profiles a dog who changed someone’s life in a profoundly positive way) from Dog Writer’s Association of America
It was in 2012 I had adopted my second special needs dachshund. Ten month later, I’d unfortunately discover she had many dire health complications and so I made the difficult, but humane decision to euthanize her.
I found it interesting that even though I was grieving the passing of her, I was also in this space of seeing myself where I’d pictured I was supposed to be over fifteen years ago. Even though I wasn’t exactly sure how my life would unfold now without Joie, I had this increasing desire to help guide others to tune in and listen to their
It was after the passing of Joie that I made what felt like one of the scariest decisions of my life. I stopped everything I was doing and took a two-month sabbatical to learn how to just be.
It was during this time of reflection and stillness I discovered how vital it is to our well-being to pause, listen deeply, and gently acknowledge what we are feeling inside.
It was by opening to that innate wisdom already within me that the next leg in my life’s journey was able to gently bubble to the surface.
Over the years my awareness has deepened (and continues to!) of how animals are intelligent beings with much to share with us. Looking back I’d realize some profound teachings I received from animals, which guided me in intricate ways, and helped me heal in ways I could have never imagined.
Over fifteen years ago, embarking on a spiritual path and one dedicated to the pursuit of personal growth, because I just knew there had to be more to this thing called life, I knew I wanted to write about animals and our connection to them.
During that time, I also became fascinated with oracle cards, having collected many decks over the years, and which I use as an inner self-care tool and consult with in my own practice on a regular basis.
In my memoir, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift, it was oracle cards I used every day during a two-month sabbatical I embarked on while I learned to be still and listen for what was next in my life’s work. It wasn’t easy to be still after so many years of going, going, going! But I was amazed when I allowed myself time to journal, be in nature and solitude, and consult oracle cards as a way to begin a dialogue with my inner self, connected to a higher Spirit, that answers began bubbling to the surface.
I came to understand that transition is a welcoming portal to what is next on our life’s path if we can find the courage to just be still and open to the many gifts it has for us.
While there were times I felt lost during this time of uncertainty and transition, there were also days I was in awe as each oracle card revealed just the right message I needed to hear. It gave me hope, empowered me, and confirmed that I am never alone— and that there is always divine guidance waiting to help us if we just ask.
Pets in my life, past and present, along with animals in nature and spirit animals, have been, and continue to be, some of my greatest teachers.
Along with the wisdom of animals and working with oracle cards, they continue to serve me in a positive way, as a mirror, and I welcome looking into, even when it’s difficult. But I’ve come to understand both as Divine messengers that help guide me in taking positive steps every day to live my best and most meaningful life.
I chronicled and published this personal and life-changing experience in my memoir, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift.
I’ve been on a spiritual path since 2001 expanding more fully into who I am every day through various personal mastery programs and teachings I’ve been through and continue to be open to. I owe many of the teachings I’ve come to understand and integrate into my life from my beloved dogs, past and present. Hence the reason my website is called Joyful Paws. One of the greatest lessons animals have taught me is to follow my heart by pausing often to think about what it is that brings me joy.
Tuning into my heart as part of a regular self-care ritual continues to be one of my most treasured ways to stay in touch with the truth of who I am.
It’s in my Joyful Pause Cottage studio that continues to be the space where I can dream and put into the universe ways in which I want to continue to make a difference not only for myself, but for humanity too.
In June of 2016, I was so excited when CBS 58 Milwaukee reached out to inverview me about my “she shed.” They beautifully captured the heart and soul of what my sacred space means to me. Click here or below to watch the interview.
My Joyful Pause Cottage studio is featured in She Sheds – A Treasure Trove of Women’s Creative Spaces and has been featured on and Australia’s #1 breakfast show, Weekend Sunrise.
My Joyful Pause Cottage studio today…the space that continues to nourish my soul…
It was my first disabled dachshund Frankie, who helped me understand that I had a choice as to how I wished to live my life.
Never having had the experience of living with, and caring for a paralyzed dog, I marveled at how this ten-inch tall dog rolled along in a wheelchair with gusto and confidence.
The more I was in her presence and saw how others positively reacted to her is when my own confidence grew. I was able to heal guilt and shame I’d carried with me for a good part of my life, gently letting go of the burden of worrying what others thought of my choices, which had often stopped me from living my life in alignment with what was right for me.
I was profoundly and forever changed for the better with the lessons Frankie taught me about perseverance and having a positive attitude.
My first memoir Through Frankie’s Eyes: One woman’s journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way shares the heartwarming journey that we embarked on together.
from Dog Writer’s Association of America
From the time Frankie was seven years old and rolling in her wheelchair until the day she left this planet at almost thirteen years old, we were a devoted and dedicated team helping children and adults see their challenges in a positive way. We logged over 400 visits to schools and libraries, plus using Skype, while we also served as a therapy dog team, logging over 250 visits at a local hospital, senior assisted living facility, and hospice community.
Frankie’s story touched thousands of lives through the children’s books I published about her. Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog and Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House.
National Indie Excellence Award for Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog
Indie Finalist for Frankie the Walk N’ Roll Dog Visits Libby’s House
After Frankie passed on, I founded and honored her legacy with National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day which existed from 2012-2017.
This special day also included the establishment of The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. The fund granted seventy wheelchairs to paralyzed dogs in need during the five years it was in operation. This was done entirely from the generous monetary donations from others who supported my mission.
Frankie’s likeness and positive message continues to live on today and is memorialized at a storybook garden in Sheboygan, Wisconsin called Bookworm Gardens. She continues to touch the lives of thousands who visit each year.

My work with Frankie has been featured on numerous radio shows, in magazines and on blogs, plus in the following books:
Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake: Transformation, Healing, and Enlightenment
She Sheds – A Treasure Trove of Women’s Creative Spaces
Magical Dogs: Love and Lessons from our Canine Friends
Faithfully Yours: The Amazing Bond between Us and the Animals We Love
Dogs and the Women Who Love Them: Extraordinary True Stories of Loyalty, Healing, and Inspiration
Animals and the Kids Who Love Them: Extraordinary True Stories of Hope, Healing, and Compassion
Every Dog Has a Gift: True Stories of Dogs Who Bring Hope & Healing into Our Lives
Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities (Volume 1)
I’ve always felt a deep connection to animals and they provided me with a sense of safety. To this day, when I see a cat, dog, horse, squirrel, or any animal for that matter, it floods my whole being with an unparalleled vibration of joy.

Growing up, there were times I often felt different and like I didn’t fit in, though I couldn’t name exactly why that was. It wouldn’t be until my early 40s that a life coach would introduce me to a book called, The Highly Sensitive Person.
Reading that book and giving myself the gift of inner exploration with a compassionate life coach, is when I finally began to feel more at home in my skin and soul. Though it would take more time for me to fully unravel what was causing me to not feel worthy.
Understanding I was intuitive, empathetic and highly sensitive, helped me to recognize and trust my intuition in a new way. This led me to begin to live a more thoughtful and fulled life and one filled with more joy.
During one of my many moments of self-reflection, a memory surfaced of my eighth-grade teacher who encouraged me to write even though I had a difficult time understanding verbs, nouns, adjuncts, etc. Oh, how those frustrated me! But my teacher saw in me that writing was a way in which I could express what was truly on my heart. How grateful I am for her encouragement!
Writing and journaling, and incorporating oracle cards, plus time in nature, is now part of how I tap into my intuitive and inner world, allowing me the quiet and still space to give voice to all the many parts of myself in a compassionate and gentle way.
While I graduated from college in 1983 with a degree in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing, and I love fashion, I’ve come to realize that we are so much more than our outside appearance.
It’s really what’s inside, that when we take the time to truly care for and nourish, that makes us glow and shine a brilliant beautiful light into this world.
As I continue this journey of self-awareness and what a meaningful and spiritual life looks like for me, it is the willingness to be open to symbols and signposts the universe generously gifts me, asking for help when I need it, integrating creativity into my daily existence, understanding the wisdom of animals and nature, and connecting with my inner self through various rituals and tools that I’ve discovered…that this is when peace is allowed to find a soft place to land within me….and it is this peace and knowing that we are all worthy, that I wish for everyone.
Much love and gratitude,
P.S. I have a fascination with donkeys! I’m also a huge fan of the late Tasha Tudor (illustrator of children’s books and who lived to the beat of her own drum and her lifestyle reflective of the 1800s though she was alive during the 20th century!)
Sign up for my monthly letters from the heart…
Certifications & Training:
- Oracle School, Personal Mastery, Shared Wisdom and Invision® Process (Jungian psychology elements of active imagination and voice dialog) with Colette Baron – Reid
- Animal Communication with Dawn Baumann Brunke
- Completed Masterclasses with Tammy Billups in
- Animal Wayshowers & Lightworkers
- Healing the Emotional Wounds of Animals
- Animal-Human Mirroring
- Sacred agreements with our Animal Companions
- Plus personal coaching/mentoring through studies with interface therapist and transformational healer, Tammy Billups
- SoulCollage® facilitator trained in the process of the SoulCollage® method to help people discover their unique inner/outer guides and challengers, and access their own wisdom to answer their life questions.
- Introduction to Animal Chakras with Dr. Cara Gubbins
- Introduction to Astrology with Jessica Paschke and Ursula Ward
- 6-week Tarot Masterclass with Richard Knight
- Master Oracle and Tarot Card Reading Course with Hay House
- Oracle Card Academy – Foundation with Ros Place
- Oracle Card Academy – Intermediate with Ros Place
- Animal Reiki with Ann and Alan Noyce
- Altars & Rituals through University of Metaphysics
- Animal Spirit Guides with Dr. Steven Farmer
- Access Divine Guidance Using Oracle Cards with Colette-Baron Reid
- Personal Coaching:
- One-to-One Intensive through Lead Your Life and Diane Krause-Stetson
- One-to-One Intensive through Meaningful Life Counseling & Coaching with Pam Kachelmeier
- The Magic of You with Jocelyn Mercado
All images and designs are ©Barbara Techel. Some photography by © Lisa A. Lehmann