The Butterfly’s Message. Never Lose Hope.

I was washing the kitchen windows this afternoon thinking about what is happening in Afgansastain with the president who has fled the country as the Taliban continues to take over.

I thought about my brother and countless others who served there and those who were wounded or didn’t return alive. I can’t even begin to imagine how those whose boots are back on US soil must feel. My heart was breaking just thinking about it and all those in Afghanistan who are so scared. With the pandemic and this, it is at times easy to lose hope.

The humidity from last week broke a few days ago. I’m glad to have the windows open again to let in the fresh air. Such simple things among the midst of so much chaos.

It was a little over two weeks ago when I opened the living patio door to go inside. As I did, a butterfly followed me in! She flew up onto the ceiling fan and crawled into one of the grooves. I didn’t know what to do to help her. I put out some mashed banana on a plate, but she never ventured out to eat any, or at least that I was aware of. I lost all hope she survived.

With the windows open today I thought it would be nice to also turn the ceiling fans on in the living room and bedroom. I’d forgotten about the butterfly. After turning the living room fan on, it was a few moments later that I saw the butterfly on the patio screen door!

I yelled to John, “It’s the butterfly! She survived!” I could hardly believe it. A little worse for wear by the hole in one of her wings, but nonetheless, she was alive.

I had to help her out a bit to get out the door, but once outside, off she flew! I can only imagine how relieved she must have felt.

And at that moment she gave me so much hope. To never give up my hope for a better world and to keep the faith.




St. Francis of Assisi. The Favorite Spot in My Garden.

“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.”
― St. Francis of Assisi

I’m always struck by the beauty of my gardens this time of year. Especially the section I love the most where a statue of St. Francis resides. I was looking out my window this morning and his energy pulled me outside to just be with him for a few moments. He is under my limelight hydrangea tree that is now heavy with blooms and looks as if they are bending in grace toward him. I was honored to join in what felt like a divine moment I was invited to.

St. Francis overlooks Gidget’s memorial marker that is just a few feet away. It is truly such a sacred spot. It always fills me with so much hope and love.

Perusing quotes from St. Francis when I read the one above it pulled at my heart. It feels so appropriate for the times we are in.

There are many of us, including myself, doing our best to hold the light in these dark times. I was reminded recently that the darker it gets just means the more light that is being shed on the darkness. The light can only shine brilliantly through when we face the darkness.

This is how we heal. How we come together and how we move forward together. I felt this so strongly being with St. Francis and this quote for a few moments this morning and why I wanted to pass this on to you. Much peace and love to each of you.




Gidget. The Gift that Keeps on Giving. Reminding Me I’m Fine Just the Way I Am.

I woke up this morning to a message from Gidget, Remember, you are fine just the way you are.

Just the other day I saw her in my mind’s eye on one side of me, while my spirit animal, a white wolf, named Laiola was on the other side. I couldn’t have felt more protected and cared for.

I love that about these two. They just show up when I need them most offering support and reassurance.

I couldn’t help but think of Gidget this morning as the gift that just keeps on giving.

Little did I know when I wrote my last memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am which was a gift and message from Gidget that she was fine just as she was of which she’d communicate to me through an animal communicator — and came at a time I thought I wasn’t doing enough for her — but would also be a gift to me to realize I was fine just the way I was despite childhood trauma.

It is also a gift now as we go through this time of great change and chaos in our world. From the beginning of this, I’ve said to friends and family how I believe Gidget was preparing for me these times. Her teachings have carried me often when I’ve felt confused, angry, or sad.

I am fine just the way I am on the choices I make that I feel are right for me. Never did I know the impact of Gidget’s sharing this one profound thought that it would be the gift I continue to lean into.

She has helped me to trust my intuition and continue to deepen in it. At times when I doubt, she has this canny way of just popping into my consciousness to remind me to follow my heart.

At times when I miss her physical presence, I picture her in my mind’s eye and how she loved to lay on her back and have her belly rubbed. I love this shirt in the photo she is wearing, “Simply Dog.” That she was, and may I add, she was Simply Buddha Dog too…and I continue to be grateful for all the magic and teachings she brought into my life that continue to be my guide.

Love you always my sweet girl.

