My Animal Oracle Art Partners with Non-Profit Shop to Benefit Animal Welfare & Nature Conservancy

I’m so delighted and honored to share this exciting announcement!

I’ve partnered with a local non-profit shop called LaValley Home and Garden and they are now carrying my Animal Oracle Art!

$10 from every purchase of my art goes to their grant program that benefits animal welfare and nature conservancy.

My collages blend together thoughtfully chosen images often inspired from animals I observe in nature and around my Joyful Pause Cottage studio, dried florals and leaves, plus natural elements I discover on my walks such as acorns, feathers, stones, and tree branches, along with bits of discarded ephemera creating a three dimensional effect that is nestled with care into a shadow box. On the back of each piece you will find an oracle message written by me as a guide to deepen the connection with yourself, animals, and nature.

I loved this comment from one of the co-owners of LaValley Home & Garden, “I just want to climb right into them!”

This is exactly what I wish my art to convey – to remind us that we are a part of nature and the animals and that we indeed are nature itself!

For a more detailed view of each piece please visit my website here.

About LaValley Home and Garden

Two extraordinary and heart-centered young women whose mission is “to create a world where home, garden, natural habitat and community come together.”

They specialize in native perennials, gardening, unique houseplants, home goods & decor, pet supplies & wellness, and meaningful gifts with store proceeds supporting local animal organizations and wildlife conservation efforts.

And if you are local, stay tuned as they will be offering outreach workshops! Learn more on their website here.




MAY Animal Oracle Guidance Reading: Pick-A-Card

Happy May, Friends!

I hope you will enjoy this reading I recorded and uploaded to my YouTube channel. An opportunity to pick-a-card and listen for guidance to help you move forward in the best possible way.

I’d welcome hearing how the message(s) resonated for you or if you have a question, please feel free to leave a comment here on my blog or on my YouTube channel.




One Male Wren Seeking Home for Love of His Life.

Wren perched in hydrangea tree outside my studio

Allowing nature to take its course can take patience. This is how I’ve felt with this dear little wren who has stopped by a few times in the last week scouting out potential bird houses suitable for his female wren companion.

A few years ago I was giddy with excitement as I was able to observe on a daily basis a set of wrens who decided to raise a family right outside my Joyful Pause Cottage studio.

I delighted in their daily song. Admired the male’s protectiveness of the nest. Smiled at their persistence in building a nest working together to get tiny sticks they’d gathered inside the bird house opening. But then how often the stick would be crosswise over the hole and try as they might it would eventually fall to the ground. Though there were a few times they’d figure it out, manage to turn the stick around, and I’d silently be cheering them on. While I also got quite the chuckle out of how determined they are as I watched the male wren swoop down and strike the back of a chipmunk nearby as a warning to move along.

It is the male who seeks out not only one location, but several for an appropriate nesting area. It is only then that he brings his female mate to these potential sites. She has the final say of what feels like home to raise their little brood.

I can certainly relate to this as home means so much to me too! And it got me to thinking about some patience that is in order for me also around some things I’ve been pondering. So thank you, Wren, for the reminder.

So, fingers crossed, we will have a wren family in the neighborhood later this spring! And hopefully by then my patience will have paid off too!

UPDATE: Tuesday morning at 10:30 am –  Wren was hanging out and singing away on top this birdhouse!

