A Gift on this Cold (brrrr!) Day

A Gift on this Cold (brrrr!) Day
Elkhart Lake, WI

It was only six degrees when I headed out for a walk this morning.

It’s not a resolution to walk more. I just really prefer to walk in the winter months when I can.

I guess it likely has something to do with these menopausal years of mine. I’d rather dress in layers and peel them back as need be, then have no layers to peel back when it is too warm out! Ah yes, the middle age woman and her heat fluctuations!

But still, I thought, six degrees?  Did I really want to venture out?

I bundled in layers. I love my down-filled jacket I bought last year with a fur lined hood and furry flaps I can snap to cover my neck and part of my face.

I remember really thinking hard about buying it because it was $100 and that was a lot of money for someone who normally buys clothing from second hand shops.

But I digress a bit and am glad I bought it as it keeps me warm. So out the door I went, bundled up tight, making sure to get those arms swinging so I’d have no chance of getting too cold.

And I’m so glad I did. The sun is shining brightly today — the kind of day where it bounces off the snow and appears to be warmer than it really is.

When I got down to the lake I spotted a pair of Geese.

They were standing at the waters edge, one honking to the other. I’m sure the male was trying to convince the female the water would be warm and it was okay to get her feathers wet.

And within moments after his persistent honking, they walked in together and began to ride against the choppy waves with the wind coming out of the west.

They braved the weather just as I did and I felt in good company watching them bob up and down on the water.

And it was a gift to see them and to see the open water too, which is very unusual as it is usually frozen over by now.

A great way to start the New Year – calm, meditative, simple and beautiful.

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