The snail came to me unexpectedly.
It was a little over a week ago that I felt something ‘off’ in my lower back. I contemplated getting in for a chiropractic adjustment. But I put it off knowing I had a scheduled appointment in two days.
I regret that choice. The pain by this point was intense and the spasms I was experiencing were like lightning strikes.
After sharing what was going on with my chiropractor and needing the ‘lift’ of the bed to lower me down for an adjustment I was told it was my right SI joint (Sacroiliac joint) that was inflamed.
I hope this is a one and never again situation for me.
But enter the blessing.
I pretty much had to be lying on my back, switching between ice and moist heat for the next three days and also doing various stretches throughout the day. When I did move, I had to be super careful as not to bring on another spasm.
At first, I was frustrated I couldn’t move about as I’m used to.
By the second day, I realized I could continue to fight this or find a way to appreciate this slower pace.
And that’s when an image entered my mind. That of a snail in its shell.
I watched in my mind’s eye as snail moved ever so slowly from the left side of my brain to the right. I was reminded of when life is busy and hectic, how I yearn for the pace of a snail.
Here was my opportunity. Right here and now to embrace this. I exhaled and relaxed.
This time of healing my back would require patience – a virtue of snail.
It was time for me to protect my back and find joy in this inward time within my own shell.
And oh, how I began to really enjoy it!
While I’m feeling much better, I still have to be cautious as I continue to heal. But what is staying with me, for now, is still this slower way of embracing the beginning of each day and as I move throughout it.
I feel more centered. I feel more balanced. I feel more connected.
This time of year, I know, can feel so hustle and bustle for many, so I hope this message comes as one that is welcome for you.
I, for one, am grateful for snail and her perfect timing teaching.
I hope you find some time to embrace your inner snail this holiday season. You will be wonderfully rewarded. I promise.