As we move into the fall season I was touched by the quote I share below. But first a few thoughts on why it resonated.
We can be in such a hurry in this world and lose sight of what is right in front of and around us. Nature, in all its extraordinary beauty and teachings, demonstrates perfectly the way in which to live in right relationship with ourselves and the earth.
Taking our time to be in wonder of all we are part of is so invigorating when we really stop, listen, and take it all in.
It’s something I try to remember to make a conscious choice to do each morning before I step out the door for my morning walk. Instead of filling my head with my to-do list or worries, for that precious 45-minutes out of my day, I make the commitment to wander in wonder at all that is around me. It never fails to have me soaring in spirit in no time at all!
Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar. ~Delia Owens