Announcing the New Member of our family!!…
It’s hard to believe…but after almost 4 years…she is here!! Another doggie for John and me to love!!
Shiloh is 2 1/2 years old, had eight puppies recently, and came from Tennessee. I believe some of her pups are now up for adoption through the WI Humane Society. In case anyone is interested!
For the last year, John and I began talking more and more about bringing another dog into our lives. So while on vacation in AZ it was during the last two weeks before we were to come home that I began to peruse Petfinder.com.
I’d been looking every day since we got home, perusing Petfinder and rescue organizations when earlier in the week Shiloh’s (formerly Timber) profile popped up through the WI Humane Society. I was immediately smitten with her eyes and sweet face! And just the size we were looking for and under 40 lbs.
While she is timid about meeting new people, she wagged her tail as she slowly approached me when I met her. And as she warms up she is very sweet! And she seems to have really taken to John!
She is also timid around other dogs, so in the future, after she feels settled in here she will need guidance with that.
We are providing her with the love and space she needs and giving her pets as she wishes. She is also getting used to our home, a new yard, new smells, and her new people… and us getting used to a doggie again!
Here are a few pics of her from her first few hours with us. I’m so happy to see moments of her relaxing!
Settling in…
She loves to see where John is…
Chilling out on the deck last night…The crossed paws made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy.

She took right to the blanket John put out for her.And so a new adventure has begun!!