Red Squirrel may find it confusing this mid-April morning thinking it’s spring, yet, there is a little over two inches of snow on the ground, and it’s still falling as I write this. Red Squirrel may also be wondering if he came out of hibernation too soon.
I felt the same as Red Squirrel as the morning light began to fill my bedroom and a quick peek out the window from my warm bed revealed a fresh blanket of snow. I wanted to stay nestled under the cozy blankets too.
But I knew the oracle card next up on my writing desk to write a message for was that of Red Squirrel. Just like it seems with every card I’ve pulled the day before and have waiting for me, Red Squirrel seemed fitting for what I needed to hear for the day.
One would have to be hard-pressed not to smile when thinking of Red Squirrel. Every time I do and even more when see one I’m energized with a welcome infusion of joy and delight.
They are like little sprites that have an endless well of curiosity that takes them on many an adventure!
Okay, Red Squirrel, I thought, I will embrace your infectious adventure of spirit and get on with the day. There’s no telling where it will take me, what I will learn, or what new thing I may discover.
While the calendar does say it’s spring we must trust that this snowfall is short-lived. Before we know it, it will have melted. The flowers and buds will then continue their journey of sprouting toward the sun and will gift us an abundance of blooms and color along with a lushness of endless green leaves.
Red Squirrel reminded me to take advantage of this quick hit of snow as a way to pause before the spring brings with it a rush of new creative and adventurous energy that will fill my days.
Thank you, Red Squirrel, for the gift of your wisdom. I’ve taken heed and my spirit is filled with joy for your sage and delightful advice.