Recently, while meditating, Elephant appeared to me and raised its truck in a show of triumphant joy after I felt an intense wave of grief move through me. It was a grief I couldn’t name, but it inspired me to create this animal art to honor the experience.
After sharing a photo of it here in its beginning stage, a follower, Diane, reached out to me and said she would like to purchase if it hadn’t yet sold. This was a first for me and I found extra joy in completing it knowing Elephant had a home to travel to once it was complete (thank you, Diane!).
While in the midst of completing this piece, I’d learn from a dear friend that her husband unexpectedly passed away from an apparent heart attack. I had to read the text from her twice because I couldn’t believe this is what she was saying.
My heart just aches for her and this tremendous loss. Her whole life just changed in an instant. And as is normal, I couldn’t help but think about my own life and my life with my husband, John. When things like this happen it really hits home and brings up many emotions. I find myself once again reflecting on a deeper level of what is truly important.
While I’ve been listening to my friend as we talk via Zoom, I’ve been witness to something quite extraordinary. While deeply and painfully sad and my heart cries for her in the depths of her sorrow, there have also been these exquisitely beautiful moments that she has shared with me.
And it has reminded me of Elephant and how they are known for their capacity to hold such deep empathy and openly grieve as they honor their loved ones. And their amazing memory to remember those they loved.
All those memories that come to the surface in the depths of grief that bring comfort and peace to the heart. And a new way that is presented of how one can be in relationship to the one they loved, just in a different way, while also grieving the loss of the physical presence of their beloved partner.
Witnessing my friend go through the grieving process I see moments of joy and humor too and how as humans, just like Elephant, have this extraordinary capacity to hold all these emotions at the same time. And how love truly never dies. The memories a gift and if we can open ourselves to a new way of being in relationship, we can experience an expansion of something quite profound.
This has all definitely left quite the imprint on my heart as I pack up Elephant and it travels to its new home, while I continue to navigate and deepen into the heart of what really matters in life.