Finding the Light

We’ve not had much sun for a good part of December and now into January. It’s also been unusual as we also haven’t had snow for a few weeks and it’s also been above average in temperatures in the 30s and low 40s. While I don’t really mind gloomy days for a time being, this stretch has tested me and I’ve felt my spirit dip a bit.

Then yesterday afternoon as I headed into the house, after being in my studio all day, to practice the second round of my twice-daily breathwork, the sun began to slowly peek through the clouds.

When I saw this sunbeam filtering through the living room patio door, my spirit shot up a notch and I instantly knew I needed to move my chair to take advantage of this special moment.

Those twenty minutes of slowing down my breath and the sunbeam angled in just the right way that I felt its warm rays filling me from the inside out were incredibly magical.

And just like that, my sluggish energy from the days on end of no sun was immediately rejuvenated.

I so love moments like this that reinvigorate in me the teaching that within the dark we gain a deeper appreciation of the light. One can’t exist without the other. After the dark times in life, the light does come again, if we are willing to keep the faith and trust that it will.

“Life isn’t just about darkness or light, rather it’s about finding light within the darkness.”

– Landon Parham



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