I just wanted to pop in and wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. Gratitude is something I always think about during this holiday and something I feel as if I’ve deepened into even more the past two years. It comes down to the simple joys and moments that fill me with gratitude.
It’s my hope, that in the New Year, I will get back more to blogging. I’ve been working on a big project the past year, plus opening my Etsy shop, along with life in general. I’m also enrolled in an online class until the beginning of January studying the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare. Oh, what joy that has brought to me!
The month of December I’ll also be on call for jury duty and I’m not sure how often I’ll be called in. So alas, this will likely mean I won’t be blogging too much. But I think of it often and how much I miss it – so it’s my intention for the New Year to be back here more.
But I wanted you to know I’ve not forgotten about this home online I love and that I am thinking of you, my faithful blog readers – and wanted to say thank you for being here – you are part of my gratitude list – and I just wanted you to know.