Today Gidget and I celebrate ninety days without her having a seizure. She is also just about back to walking on her own as she was before.
The potassium bromide rendered her back legs unable to work for a few weeks when I started her on it. But with the help of what was Frankie, and then Joie’s wheelchair, which became Gidget’s wheels, was good therapy to keep her muscles strong as the meds evened out in her system.
She still has her little trip up moments with her back legs criss-crossing or her little endearing wobbly walk – but that is how she was when I adopted her – so she is back to what we consider “normal” for her.
I understand that seizures can return at anytime, but it’s not what I try not to focus on. Instead I’m choosing to focus on all the good days she has had. And that she is back to her silly, playful, independent, endearing little self.
I soak it all in and tell her every chance I get how much I love her. There are no guarantees, this I know. But there are no guarantees no matter what and it’s just another lesson that living in the moment is all we have.
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