Nurse Gidget and Kylie the Patient

Nurse Gidget and Kylie the Patient

Just got home from the vet clinic with Kylie, and Gidget has stepped up to the task of playing nurse. Kylie had a small mass on the hock of her foot that was bleeding on and off that started mid-week last week.

While the “inner tube” collar helped to keep her from licking the spot – it didn’t heal over either and continued to periodically bleed. So off she went to the vet early this morning to have it removed.

Now 14-days of carrying her “pillow”  with her around her neck. Though she tolerates it well.

And she’s got a great nurse helping her who will no doubt provide lots of love and support.

While at the vet last week, the technician commented that quote we often here, “gettin’ old ain’t for sissies.”  Kylie, at 11 1/2 years old now is definitely a senior. But this is the beautiful thing about dogs and how most seem to tolerate getting old so much better than we humans.

We do our part to keep them as comfortable as possible as they begin to slow down and I think too, so important to honor their journey as it is meant to be.  

My dear dogs, always teaching me something, and another reminder today to enjoy the journey.

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