Oracle Guidance and Animal Ally for Week of April 29th, 2019

Before I share the oracle guidance for the week I just want to say that this is something I’d like to do on a more consistent and weekly basis.

Much of my energy the last year has been devoted to writing my latest memoir. The actual writing of it is complete. Now I’m in the stage of tweaking and polishing it as I receive feedback from my beta readers. Once that is complete I’ll be sending it off to an editor. Yay!

So with this new stage I’m in, it has freed up a bit of time and I’m eager to share more readings and guidance from oracles and animals—and how perfect this is because it’s what my book is all about!  Funny how that works, huh?  🙂

Animals in many ways have led me to my fascination and interest in working with oracle cards as a personal growth tool. Both serve as reflections and help me contemplate my inner world and what it is I need to know to live the best life possible.

I’m excited to continue to share animals and oracles with you! So… let’s begin with some guidance for the week of April 29th.

The cards pulled this week are The Fates and Parrot Spirit. This is a general reading and what to energetically be aware of as you move through the week. Enjoy!

Note: The Fates was pulled in protection (reverse) which means pay extra attention. It’s also a message of helping you to avoid difficulties.

Are you struggling with something that is out of your control? The Fates is asking you to accept what is and surrender. There are certain situations in life that you aren’t meant to understand. It’s all part of the Great Plan. When you accept this, serenity is more easily able to flow through you.

Parrot is your animal ally guiding you to pay attention to what it is you may be saying to yourself when you find yourself in a situation you don’t understand and can’t control.

Are you beating yourself up wishing you could fix things? Are you thinking you should know the answer? Be kind to yourself. Watch how you are internally speaking to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Parrot with all his brilliant and bold colors is also a sign to look for the beauty around you as anchors to bring you back to the center of your heart when you feel unsteady on your feet. This is what you can control – how you choose to see life.

And lastly, I heard parrot say, “Fly free pretty bird!” Your wings (growth) can’t expand if you hold on too tight to how you think you should fly instead of just knowing and trusting that you can.

Wishing you a great week!



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