The writing of a message for each animal in my Animal Reflections Oracle Deck continues. So far I’ve written a message for Kingfisher, Horse, Fox, Rabbit, Eagle, Elephant, Penguins, and Buffalo. I’ve posted a few of the cards along the way on my Facebook and Instagram pages.
Sometimes I feel nervous as I begin to write a message for one of the animals. In part because I want to do them justice in sharing their messages.
It’s how I’m feeling about Donkey today because – well – if you know me, you know how I adore this sweet creature so much.
Not many animal oracle decks (or books) I have as part of my collection have Donkey represented, so I’m honored to have Donkey as part of my deck.
Three of my inspirations for Donkey are the ones who live on Bedlam Farm. There was Simon – a special needs Donkey who passed a few years ago (and I loved the book about him), plus two current donkeys on the farm, Fanny and Lulu.
One thing I noticed about the donkeys at Bedlam Farm from the videos Maria Wulf shares about them is the same path they walk day in and day out. It’s a very well-worn path!
Observing them do this is like a meditation to me. I appreciate the teaching of how often we humans can get caught in the trap of thinking we have to create a new path. What about the path we walk consistently and with mindful intention? That one seems to be the one that flows with more ease than one of forcing or trying to make happen.
I’m thinking of that now as each morning I sit down to write 1-3 messages for the animals in my deck. It’s this setting out each day, on the same path, doing the same thing, until all 52 messages are written instead of thinking about the whole big task and picture of it. But trusting each day writing what feels in flow and before I know it, all the messages will be written as they are exactly meant to be.
UPDATE: After I wrote this post and then wrote the message for Donkey I was reminded by this thought that ran across my mind – that the cool thing about sharing the message of each animal is that each person that wishes to purchase the deck will also have their own personal message and connection with each animal. How beautiful is that?! I really appreciated this reminder I was given!