animal human bond

The Wisdom of Eleven

The Wisdom of Eleven
Today. Kylie’s 11th Birthday.

Winding up and down country roads through Tennessee we found our way to you eleven years ago December 2005. And this day, today, you were born into this world.

Eleven – a number that stands side-by-side as one, creating a strong foundation. Or when one needs to lean into the other one – that is you, my dear girl- a grounding and steady bedrock you have been, and continue to be.

That first time holding you, a big, soft, cuddly ball of fur that you were, my heart tumbled a free fall that enveloped me with a joy that I wanted to hold onto forever.

And JOY you have continued to be. Truly, one of the most selfless dogs I’ve ever known. Your work has been in keeping a calm and steady rhythm within these four walls we call home to what is important.

You, our daily reminder that life is meant to be captured in the simple moments and that when life throws us a curve ball that going with the flow will helps us find our way back to the center sooner, rather than later.

Eleven – it shows in the gray mask around your face – but your heart, forever young and ever expanding – that unending love that vibrates outward from you each and every moment that has been one of my greatest teachers of what living is all about.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl. I love you so much.

Eight weeks old
First Winter
Graduating from puppy class
Who loves her papa?
Frisbee anyone?
Six years old

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The Friendship Between Man, Hummingbird and Dog — Plus Winner of of Book Giveaway

The Friendship Between Man, Hummingbird and Dog -- Plus Winner of of Book Giveaway

Thank you to my friend, Diane for sending me a video of a dog, named Rex and a hummingbird, named Hummer that are friends after Rex rescued the little, sweet bird.

It really made my heart swoon! It brought up such a warm and profound moment when Frankie, my dachshund, two weeks after her passing came to me as a hummingbird, which I am absolutely sure of was her. It’s a story I share in my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes when a song came on the radio that reminded me of Frankie, and in that same moment a hummingbird buzzed over to where I was sitting on the deck and flitted back and forth within inches of my face for quite a few moments. That had never happened before. I liked to call Frankie my little hummingbird, so I know it was her letting me know she had made it to the other side.

So this story is especially heartwarming to me and I just had to share with you!

First, click here for a short clip of Hummer with Rex.  Then below is a news story that was done about the man, hummingbird and dog. Bet you will find it just as endearing as I did!

Thank you to everyone who entered for a chance to win a copy of Honey, Have You Squeezed the Dacshund? An excellent resource for dachshunds who are prone to IVDD. The winner is Amy Burgstede!  Congratulations!

If you’d like to purchase a copy it is now on Amazon.

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When Accidents Happen

When Accidents Happen

When accidents happen it isn’t always a bad thing. I ran outside the other night to try and capture the fall trees near the athletic field to the west of our house. It was already dark out and they were lit up and glowing in such a special way from the tall lights that tower above them.

I’ve been trying to experiment more with our Canon EOS 50D camera. I didn’t get any good shots of the trees, unfortunately. But when I started walking up the sidewalk to the front door, this image of Kylie and Gidget stopped me dead in my tracks and flooded my heart with joy.

I really didn’t know if the photo would turn out, but was pleasantly surprised at this delightful accident that I just took a chance by pointing and shooting to see what my lens would capture.

Maybe it’s just me, but I just feel this abundance of love radiating from this picture. My sweet dogs watching over me and waiting my return.

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