I’m sharing a video below which gave me goosebumps and had stirring emotions vibrating through me.
It is something I truly believe in – that feminine essence is returning and will heal this planet. It’s a path I’ve been on for nearly 12 years now and getting more and more comfortable within this skin that is mine — though not one without struggle for having bought into what society has conditioned us to believe — and still works hard to do so.
But I know I’m not alone and I know more of us are coming together to live our truths. Many brave women have felt the call to seek healing and find deeper meaning to their lives.
We no longer want to buy into what we’ve been conditioned to believe and what plays out in our world with the anger and bullying that has played out for far too long.
Watching this video makes me prouder than ever to be a woman and to continue to seek peace as the only way we truly can heal this planet.
And it begins with each of us walking that path alone…. and together.
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