handicapped pets

A Tribute to Olive: One of the First Dachshund’s in a Wheelchair Frankie & I Befriended.

IMG_0004It’s like people. Some you feel more connected to than others. And so it was with a dear, little, sweet dachshund named Olive.

She was the first Dachshund in a wheelchair I came to know after publishing my first children’s book about my dachshund Frankie, who was also in a wheelchair. Both Frankie and Olive had Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).

Home 045 eI felt this special kinship not only with Olive, but her loving and devoted “mom” and “dad,”  Jill and Eric.

Caring for a special needs dog isn’t for everyone. But when we befriend others who care for these special pups, you seem to form a bond like no other.  Jill and Eric, like John and I, had no children.  Like our dogs, Olive meant everything to Jill and Eric as a very special part of their family.

Home 034 eOlive made her transition on Monday, August 11, 2014.

Reading Jill’s email that morning that they had made the difficult decision to finally let Olive go, had tears rolling down my face. I felt like, in a sense, I was losing one of my own.

Olive had wiggled her way right into my heart the first time I saw a picture of her that Jill shared with me. I enjoyed knowing how she was doing and seeing updated photos of her as the years passed. I prayed each time something was wrong with her that she would recover. She bounced back each time with amazing and stunning resilience as she battled various issues.

IMG_0958Lastly, I sat in a moment of silence for her, miles away, me in Wisconsin, and she in Kentucky, as I knew her transition would be soon. I prayed she would go peacefully. I pictured Frankie and Joie welcoming her to heaven. I wished dogs never had to die.

I’ve  thought about Jill and Eric often these past few days. I can’t get them out of my mind. I share in their heartache. I know the pain well, as do scores of many others who have loved, and lost, a beloved pet.

I know there is nothing I can do to ease the pain. I know each of us grieves in our own, unique way. I know, as was for me, that time does dull the pain, though you never, ever forget.

I think about all the beautiful lesson’s Olive taught Jill and Eric. I think about how they are forever changed. I think about how their hearts expanded beyond measure for having Olive in their lives.

Olive 006 eAnd then there is the love. The unconditional love Olive has for Jill and Eric. It remains. It will never leave. It will be there to call upon when the pain comes in yet another wave. The memories that eventually will heal the heart to smile again. To love again. These are the things that I pray for Jill and Eric.

And it is only in taking a small step each and every day, that moves you through the grief. That, and the picture that stays embedded in their hearts of a little dog in wheels who loved life with everything she had.

I shall not say goodbye to you my little furry friend, Olive… but know that it will be a glorious day when I see not only all my beloved pets, but you too, who I thought the world of.


Joie, My Late Dachshund with IVDD, Forever Beautiful in Stained Glass

joie stained glassI received many lovely gifts for my birthday, but truly, none more touching than this stained glass of my Joie given to me by my mama. She commissioned an artist friend to do this for me.

It will be one year August 22 since Joie moved into spirit world. You may recall that I adopted her from Oregon Dachshund Rescue knowing she had IVDD and needed a wheelchair. John worked his magic and took Frankie’s wheelchair and adjusted it to fit Joie.

Joie was only with us for ten short months. But she left many gifts behind. Her biggest lessons to me were to pause, sit in stillness, and to understand that I no longer needed to prove my worthiness. I can rest securely in who I am.

As I did a bit of research for this post, I went to the Facebook page for the movie Joie took part in last August, The Surface Movie. I was wondering if there was any notice of a date of when the movie will be out in our area.

As I scrolled down the page I saw a post noting the movie is now complete. The post was on July 14th. Four days before my birthday and three days after my mom gifted me with this special gift.

Tears immediately sprang to my eyes. Joie’s spirit is strong and well. My heart smiles.

It will be bittersweet to see her in the movie (I’ll keep you posted once it is out in theater’s- projected to come out later this year). But I’m ready to see her sweet face roll across the big screen in her wheelchair. It is going to be a proud, proud moment.

The stained glass piece of her is a shining, loving reminder of how lucky I was to have her in my life, even if for just a short time. She blessed me in ways I would have not otherwise been blessed.

Meet Pickles: #26 Paralyzed Dog Helped with Wheelchair thru The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

pickles cReady to share in another happy dance with me?  Meet Pickles who is the 26th dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has helped gain mobility!

Pickles had a very tough thing happen to him. But little did he know angel number one was waiting in the wings and angel number two would come along soon.

You see, Pickles was thrown from a moving car. Being thrown from the car paralyzed Pickles. Angel number one saw this happen and immediately pulled over to help Pickles. She also just happened to be an animal advocate who has spent her entire life helping animals in need.

Unfortunately angel number one, though her heart of pure gold for helping so many animals throughout her adult life, didn’t have the finances to help Pickles. This is where angel number two swiftly moved in after hearing about Pickles. Meet Inga who has run Canine Crusaders rescue for 17 years.

inga and pickles eShe saw that angel number one was doing her best to care for Pickles. Expressing his bladder and helping him live a pretty good life despite not having a wheelchair to get around. She just knew she had to help them both have a better life!

This is when she contacted Eddie’s Wheels who sent her my way to see if The Frankie Wheelchair Fund could pay for Pickles wheels.

Well, as you can see by Pickles very happy, smiling face, the rest is history! He is having so much fun in his new wheels Inga has told me, even sharing a video of how he started zooming around almost the moment he was put in the wheelchair. Note: I’m not sure how to share the video on here since it was sent as a .mov file.  Sorry.

Pickles continues to live with Angel number one and is living life to the fullest. This angel mission now complete!

If you’d like to make a donation and/or become an ambassador helping us help dogs in need of a wheelchair, please click on the heart below. Or if you’d like to apply for the fund, please click here.

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