
A Writer’s Life is Not Always Sweet

IMG_2239Rainbow Tree artwork done by my friend, Shannon

I think there is sometimes this misconception that writers have it easy. They live happily in their little quiet world, and words just flow out of them, making their way out into the world, and having a positive impact.

I can say this as I’ve found myself, at times, envious of the life of other writers as I perceive them to be in my own mind—that their life is gloriously beautiful and they never struggle to write.

But I’ve realized something big for me lately. When I’m in the flow of writing, my life feels incredibly delicious. It is where I am right now, and the sweetness of this place is somewhere I wish I could live forever.

I can hardly wait to jump out of bed and get to my keyboard lately. Words flying around in my head, waiting to be spilled out through the end of my fingers. They come so fast, I don’t know how I will catch them all.

In fact, as I brushed my teeth this morning, this post was doing laps around my brain. I knew what I wanted to write about in my journal today. I thought about abandoning brushing my teeth – but luckily my toothbrush won the battle.

But a writers life is not always that sweet. I’ve really taken notice lately the ease of how I’ve been able to write lately. I can’t get enough. It fills me up and makes me feel so alive.

But just last summer I abandoned the book I was working on and I did plenty of beating myself up inside about that. But the lesson I see clearly now is that I was forcing it. I also didn’t have the strength for it as my energy was directed in another avenue giving of my time and myself to help a friend.

The outcome of that didn’t end well. It felt like a death to me. I’ve been working through that. And each day I understand more and more why I had to go through what I did. I gave a huge part of my own sense of self away.

You know how hard that is to say that? Me, who is always encouraging others to take care of themselves first? I didn’t heed my own advice. But I also know the time and energy I spent in helping this friend was something I did from the very deepest part of my heart. I’d never change that.

And I’ve come out stronger on the other end. I’m making my way back to me — that inner self who loves to let her light shine. Because when I do, I am truly in the heart of who I am. My life flows and isn’t forced.

This has led me also to a better understanding of what “trust the process” means. This phrase was used often when I took my training to become a SoulCollage Facilitator this past November. Creator of this process, Seena Frost says, “SoulCollage® reminds us in many different ways to trust that everything is happening exactly as it should.”

Isn’t this what life is all about? And this is what I’m really “getting” as someone who loves to write, but isn’t always in the sweet flow of it, and then find myself scratching my head wondering why I can’t always write even though I love it. This. is. normal. I am normal, or whatever normal means. Because in reality I really don’t want to be normal. I want to be me!

It isn’t always going to be easy. How can it? If it was, how would we move to deeper depths to share more the view of our inner world and how we see the world around us? How would we grow?

So I feel like a butterfly lately, awakening from yet another cocoon, excited to spread my newly improved wings.

A writers life, just like life, isn’t always so sweet — but when we can find the blessings in looking back, then, I think, that is what makes life all the more sweeter.

And what a wonderful reminder to take in this lesson, store it in a safe place, and call upon it once again, when we come to a place where we must be patient, and trust the process to unfold yet again.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post that I was interviewed by Nutschell of “The Writing Nut” blog (and yes, that really is her name!) I was her featured writer for her Wednesday Writers Workspace. Take a peek if you wish! It was a fun interview.

Shifting Into Purer Consciousness Blog Tour with Author Yvonne Perry

I will be participating in author Yvonne Perry’s virtual blog tour to promote her new book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. I invite you to follow along on the tour for some enlightening moments that Yvonne has experienced on her spiritual journey. I continue to be amazed by Yvonne’s evolution and all that she is willing to share with us in helping all of us understand how we can truly live in this moment and beyond.

In her latest book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience, author Yvonne Perry shares how she has integrated the accelerated frequencies of several quantum leaps she has taken on her spiritual path. Once she learned to manage the human experience of rapid spiritual transformation, she became active in working to anchor her light body and offering coaching to help others on their journey. You may learn more about Yvonne and her book at http://shiftingintopurerconsciousness.com.

Here is the back cover blurb for this amazing, life-changing book:

Do you feel like a misfit in your own life and body? Maybe you awoke from a strange dream too vivid not to be real. Have you survived a near-death experience, had an out-of-body occurrence, or dissociative episode? Others may have noticed how you’ve changed and say, “You act like a totally different person.” Inwardly, you may be confused, overly sensitive, or so anxious it feels as though your nervous system has been hooked to an electric power line.

What if a multidimensional form of yourself—from a realm of purer consciousness—would arrive to guide you through the challenging times we are facing? Perhaps your soul has already received a download from an ascended master. Might that explain the sudden changes you’ve experienced?

You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms. Regardless of what has happened, you may need help integrating these higher frequencies that are now available to you.

I will be participating in Yvonne’s book launch by hosting her on my blog during her two-week virtual book tour. On the tour, you will find nearly twenty blogs featuring written Q&A interviews, videos, book reviews, radio show interviews, excerpts from the book, and articles like these:

  • How Human Energy Affects the Earth
  • How Yvonne Published Book
  • Signs of Spiritual Awakenings
  • Why Yvonne Wrote the Book
  • How to shed personal and collective structures and belief systems that no longer support the highest good of humanity
  • Why we send love and light to people
  • Embracing divine feminine energy

I invite you to follow this author to discover more about the ascension process or great shift in consciousness that we are experiencing as we enter the Age of Aquarius. Find Yvonne on Twitter: @WeR1NSpirit; Facebook; or her website: http://weare1inspirit.com.

Here is the tour schedule for Shifting into Purer Consciousness:

On Saturday, June 16, Carolyn Howard-Johnson (@FrugalBookPromo) will host Yvonne with a book review on The New Book Review as well as offering an article titled “Authors Must Learn to Sell What They Write” on Sharing with Writers: http://www.sharingwithwriters.blogspot.com.

On Sunday, June 17, Jacqueline Stone (@JaqStone) will share an article titled, “Sending Light to Others” on her blog, On the Journey.  http://consciousnessjourney.blogspot.com/

On Monday, June 18, Shelly Wilson (@consciousjourny on Twitter) will host the tour stop on her blog, Journey into Consciousness, with an article: “Embracing Divine Feminine Energy.”

On Tuesday, June 19, Pat Bertram will share a Q&A written interview with the author on Dragon My Feet blog: http://dragonmyfeet.wordpress.com

On Wednesday, June 20, Shelly Wilson will host Yvonne as a guest on Journey to Consciousness Radio Show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/journeyintoconsciousness .

On Thursday, June 21,   Barbara Techel (@joyfulpaws) shares a video clip and her book review for Shifting into Purer Consciousness on her blog: https://joyfulpaws.com.

On Friday, June 22, Carol Lawrence (@intuneparenting) hosts the tour on Social Media Help 4 U with an article titled “How Human Energy Affects the Earth.”

On Saturday, June 23, Janet Riehl (@riehlife) shares a video on her blog, Riehl Life.

On Sunday, June 24, Carl Bozeman (@CarlBozeman) opens the blog door at Spiritual Intuition where he shares his book review for Shifting into Purer Consciousness.                    

On Monday, June 25, Doreen Pendgracs (Twitter: @wizardofwords) will share an article about how Yvonne published her book. See Wizard of Words: http://doreenisthewizardofwords.blogspot.com

On Tuesday, June 26, Karen Gonzalez (@FolkheartPress) will present “Why Yvonne Wrote the Book” on her blog, http://folkheartpressblog.blogspot.com

On Wednesday, June 27, Denise Demaras (@ddemaras) will share her review of Shifting into Purer Consciousness on her blog, Works in Process: http://blog.denisedemaras.com

On Thursday, June 28, Alpha Chick Mal Duane (@alphachickbook) will share an article titled “Signs Indicating a Spiritual Awakening” on http://alphachick.com/blog

On Friday, June 29, Lisa Molinelli (@bluedragonfly8) shares an article: “How to Shed Personal and Collective Structures and Belief Systems That No Longer Support the Highest Good of Humanity” on her blog, Empowering Minds.

On Saturday, June 30, Dr. Caron Goode (@Iamheartwise) shares a media release and an excerpt from the book on Live-Spirit.                          

On Sunday, July 01, Maxine Thompson (@Safari61751) will post her review of the book on her blog, http://www.maxinethompsonbooks.com. She will also host Yvonne on Dr. Maxine Show.                                                       

On Monday, July 02, Irene Conlan (@ieconlan) will host Yvonne Perry on The Self Improvement Blog by presenting a review of Shifting into Purer Consciousness.

On Tuesday, July 03, Lynn Serafinn (Twitter IDs: @LynnSerafinn @SpiritAuthors and @GardenOfTheSoul) will interview Yvonne on Garden of the Soul Radio. She will also share her Q&A written interview.  See http://lynnserafinn.com/ for details.

On Wednesday, July 04, Shelagh Jones (@SpiritusShelagh) runs an article in Spiritus Spiritual Marketing Directory about how Yvonne published her book.

On Thursday, July 05, Callie Carling (@moonpoppy) will share an article: “How to shed personal and collective structures and belief systems that no longer support the highest good of humanity.” Her blog is http://createavity.com/musings.


Also on Thursday, July 05, Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit starts. There will be two speakers each Thursday throughout July sharing important info to make the shift easier. See http://bit.ly/InbSDC for more information.