On Tuesday afternoon I was finishing up last-minute Christmas shopping in my small town. One of my favorite shops is called Two Fish Gallery. The owners, Pat and Karen are talented in pottery, collage, and paper mediums. Pat also happens to be the brother of my dear friend, Miss Marie, who passed away earlier this year.
I realized looking for a photo of Marie and Gidget to share here that this is the last photo taken of her in my writing cottage. I sure do miss her and Gidget. But what a special photo, don’t you think?
So the donkey who now lives in my living room… I was supposed to be shopping for gifts for others but then spotted the donkey. I hemmed and hawed if I should purchase it or not, or as my husband said when I was telling him, “You mean you heed and hawed?” Always the funny guy! 🙂
The donkey is made out of all recycled materials and is made in India and sold through Fair Trade.
As I continued to stare at the donkey, the owner’s cat, Ziggy, came from the back of the shop. The gallery is in front of the owner’s home and they reside in the back and upstairs.
I was more than happy to stop and pet Ziggy for a while and pretty soon she plopped on her back for a belly rub. Though if you know cats, the minute I began to rub her belly she had to bat my hand. The whole time I was thinking about that donkey and whether I should buy it or not, making justifications in my head why I should or shouldn’t.
Just then Ziggy walked over to the donkey and rubbed up against it. That was it! SOLD!
I picked the donkey up and brought it to the counter where a young gal was waiting to ring up my purchases. And yes, I did get at least one of the Christmas gifts for someone on my list too. Whew!
Pat then came through the glass door from the house and into the gallery and smiled when he saw me. “Well,” I said, “I just had to have the donkey!”
“But it’s not a dog,” he said with a chuckle.
“But it starts with a “D” and I happen to love both dogs and donkeys, so I just have to bring her home with me.”
As I continued to chat with Pat I caught a glimpse of his sister Marie through his eyes, which I never had before. Perhaps it’s just because I’m especially missing her right now, which the holidays seem to evoke.
After the young gal rang up my purchases I tucked the donkey under my arm. I realized it was just like when I carried the dachshunds in my life too – tucked lovingly in my right arm.
And so I carried the donkey out to the car and my heart filled with many heartfelt memories of Marie and Gidget, and the sweet connection with Pat I just experienced.
And the donkey that now lives in my living room makes me smile every time I walk by her.