The Gentle & Comforting Call of Wolf – A New Mixed Media Collage in Progress

The inspiration for this mixed media collage recently came when I lay down for a nap.

Wolf has been my spirit guide for many years now. She came to me at a time when my heart was broken from the loss of  a friendship – and one which in many ways felt like a mother/daughter relationship. It was my first encounter meeting a spirit animal and occurred during a guided meditation led by an equine assisted coach.

I remember how grounded, yet elated I felt afterwards for the experience. Though I had my skeptical self doubting if it was ‘real.’ But Wolf would continue to be with me. Her message at the time was her showing me my heart with flames shooting out from all sides. Wolf shared with me that even though I really wanted to shut down my heart because of the pain, that it was important not to do so. She said I had much more love to give.

As I healed from the loss I’d often recall Wolf in my minds eye and found great comfort with her presence. It would be two years later, still at times having my doubts, that I’d ask her name before I drifted off to sleep one night and I heard the name, Laiola.

Then just recently as I closed my eyes for a short nap I immediately saw Wolf. Her head tilted up to the sky as she gave a gentle howl. As I listened to her, I found myself called to look up into the cosmos and there it was I saw myself meditating.

Near the beginning of September I felt the nudge to dedicate myself to a daily practice of meditating for the duration of this year. Being an empath and trying not to carry the weight of the chaos occurring in our world with many sharing it will continue to escalate, I was feeling the call to hone in even more on my self inner care. And that is just what I’ve been doing along with pulling oracle cards and journaling each day.

There have been needed releases and lovely insights that have been so very helpful to my well-being.

Seeing Wolf just as my eyes closed that afternoon for a short nap and the comforting image of myself meditating among the stars and planets, I knew then I wanted to recreate what I was seeing.

Perhaps it will be a helpful reminder to someone else. That even in these troubled times, we can find peace, and how important self inner care is right now. We are supported by the animals and the cosmos and all we have to do is simply tap in and listen.

This 9 x 12 mixed media collage will be for sale once it is complete. $75.00 plus $7.00 shipping.



My mixed media Animal Oracle Art thoughtfully blends together chosen images of animals that have inspired and/or captured my attention in some way!  Each image and corresponding backgrounds are enhanced with a variety of pastel chalks, pencils, markers, and paint. My collages include dried florals, leaves, and natural elements I discover on my walks such as acorns, feathers, stones, and tree branches, along with bits of discarded/recycled ephemera. Animal image and supporting images are then curated and adhered to create a dimensional effect that is gently and lovingly nestled with care into a 8 x 8 shadow box. On the back of each piece you will find an intuited oracle message that serves as a guide to deepen the connection to yourself, animals, and nature.