When I saw him pull up in the golf cart, he reminded me of a skinny and smaller version of Billy Gibbons, from the band, ZZ-Top.
He then led us around the bend in the road down to the lower level of the campground.
Once parked he told us about himself. Born and raised in Los Angeles and in his teens, he and his brother went to work on a farm in Mishicot, WI. This is about one hour from my hometown. There he thought the girls of Wisconsin wouldn’t take to a character like him from L.A., but he was quite wrong as the girls flocked to him. Or perhaps that was a wild story he was telling?! Haha!
But I was reminded again of what a small world it really is.
Do you have this happen when you travel? Do you see people who remind you of people you know back home? I have that happen often. Or they remind me of someone famous, as Jim, the campground owner did for me with his similarities to the lead singer of ZZ-Top.
A few days later the rain came and we woke early in the morning to voices outside our RV. Within minutes we understood that the small irrigation stream behind us, fed by the Verde Valley River, was flooding. We had to move.
Once again, led by, Jim, who I’d fondly nicknamed, ZZ, and in his golf cart, we were escorted to the upper level of the campground. And we were notified last evening that we will be staying at this site until we pull up stakes at the end of the month.
But after John backed into our spot, ZZ said he had something for me. For me?! He first gave me a fire agate stone, which I’ll need to clean up. He then gave me the petrified wood that had turned to stone explaining that they sell for hundreds of dollars in the stores in the area. I was so touched by his gift that I gave him a big hug.
A few days later he came by with another petrified piece of wood turned to stone and gifted that to me too.
Researching the symbolism of Fire Agate has several different meanings. The one overall meaning I found is that it is like a phoenix rising above the ashes and is said to help you grow from personal turmoil.
It’s also a gemstone that helps push you to become the best you can be, using past experiences as the catalyst of fire to guide you to blaze through struggles that lie ahead and result in you becoming a much better person.
It is also an emotional protector and is a great companion for empaths. This really resonated for me!
Such an unexpected surprise from a sweet man and his love of rocks, who shared these gifts with me that I shall treasure always.
P.S. While having lunch earlier in the week at a restaurant in Cottonwood I was saying to John how some people reminded me of people I know back home. Just as we were getting ready to leave a couple walked into the restaurant and I was trying to figure out where I knew them from. Or were they just resembling someone? But then I realized they were actually our neighbors a few blocks down the road from us in Elkhart Lake! I don’t know them well, but they are a retired couple that often rides their bikes past our house. As soon as they sat down I walked over and talked to them. They were just as surprised to realize who we were too! Fun moments when these things happen, isn’t it?