No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Those are two dachshunds looking out my front door. Eight-year-old Winnie is the cream color doxie on the left and on the right is thirteen-year-old Greta.
And no, they aren’t mine. I’m doxie sitting for them until November 13th.

I’m amazed at how easily they have made themselves right at home – as if they’ve always lived here. It’s also interesting that a few weeks ago I was visiting my mom. I told her that the pain I’d felt for quite some time after losing Gidget, and then not getting another dog for the time being (it’s been thirty months since Gidget passed) has faded. I’m also 99% sure when the time comes for another dog, it won’t be a dachshund. Though they will always be my heart dog and favorite breed.
The very next day is when I received a message from a woman I’ve known for a few years. We had connected one summer at our Farmer’s Market as I had my doxie Frankie then and she had Greta.
She was in a pinch. The people who had taken care of their dogs when they are out of town could no longer take care of Greta and Winnie. Would I be interested? It didn’t take me long to know I’d love to do this, but first I made sure John was on board, which he said he was.
So full steam ahead and here they are – their first full day at our home. Living it up as if they always lived here. They are such good doxies!
Greta has been a therapy dog for quite some time. Her dad is a ears, nose, and throat doctor and she goes into the office a few times a week. Winnie had an Intervertebral Disc episode a few years ago and I was able to help her mom through that. Winnie was fortunate and regained the use of her back legs and her bladder. She walks similar to how Gidget did with the cutest little giddy-up-gait.
Winnie also is more vocal and reminds me in many ways of how Gidget would get my attention with her funny little noises. Greta, of course, being thirteen and mature, just thinks all that talk is just plain silly. She is quite graceful and just goes with the flow.
There was quite a barking storm when John came home from work last night, but within five minutes, after he knelt by them and let them sniff him, they approved, and we all settled into the routine of getting ready for dinner.
As you can see by the photo above, Winnie had a plan in enticing John to play leaving her bunny toy strategically placed on his workboots. She is quite clever that little one.
After a walk around the lunch hour, they settled right in for an afternoon nap and already have the hang of the routine of going in and out of Joyful Pause Cottage with me.
And in typical dachshund fashion, when I move, they are right behind me not wanting to miss a thing.
They are bringing sweetness to my November.