I remembered earlier in the week, but then forgot again.
And it didn’t dawn on me until I caught the date on my Daily Word booklet today.
July 11th.
Then something warm flowed through my whole body and the tears came.
Not sad tears really, but good ones. I walked to the painting I have of you and stroked your fur, talking to you.
A whole decade ago since I said goodbye to my chocolate Lab, Cassie Jo. Bone cancer took her body away from me, but her spirit resides in my heart to this day.
Ten years ago that I also took a leap of faith and hired a life coach (I love you, Diane!). I was 41 years old. The question looming large in my mind then was, “What do I want to do with the rest of my life?”
If only I could have known then what I know now. I wouldn’t have worried. I would have trusted in my faith more.
Though the last ten years have had some very sad moments and hardships, the wisdom I’ve gained, and the journey walked, has been remarkable.
Cassie Jo started it all for me. Her diagnoses of cancer had me examining my own mortality.
I didn’t want to leave this world without making a difference. I wanted to experience more joy and live with more intent and integrity. I wanted to live from the heart of who I truly am.
All because of a dog. Wow. How blessed I am and continue to be.
Thank you my beautiful, brown girl, for being my teacher and now my angel. I rejoice in your life and all the lessons I carry with me that you taught me as some of my greatest treasures.