Wiener Resolutions

As many of you know, I love the blog, Who’s Your Dachshund.  If you have not heard of it, do check it out.  It is one of the best blogs out there about dachshunds.  When I saw the post, “Wiener Resolutions” which I have reprinted below, I just had to share with you.

Frankie and I don’t plan on making any resolutions this year, but just continue to ask for guidance in sharing our message.  It has to date been an incredible journey of many, many blessings.  And every day we give thanks for you, our readers for following along with us.  We are grateful to all of you.  Happy New Year!

Article and photo reprinted from Who’s Your Dachshund, Ten Bloggers, Sixteen Dachshunds, One Blog

This is Adley’s thinker pose–he’s very intent on accomplishing his resolutions this year!

As much as I revere my pups and think they’re brilliant, I am pretty sure that they have no idea that the new year is rapidly approaching, but if they did, I believe these would be their resolutions:

  1. Eat more, and perfect those puppy eyes so we get treats every time we go in the crate. We do need to pad up for our move to the cold north, after all.
  2. Lick more. Nails, post shower skin, rawhide’s, you name it.
  3. Learn to hide things from each other better. It’s so annoying when the other one finds my bone–wasn’t hiding it under the blanket thorough enough?
  4. Find more shoes and sandals to destroy. We haven’t done this in a few months–isn’t it time to pick up the slack?
  5. Perfect our howling. We’re obviously not loud enough if our mom and dad don’t turn right back around to coddle us upon leaving home.
  6. Teach Radish to burrow better. It gets old when we have to wait for our mom and dad to lift the blanket for her. We demand immediate access to warmth.
  7. Provide more dog blog fodder. We’re funny critters, right? RIGHT?