Buffalo Oracle Message – ARHO

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Buffalo can often be observed facing an incoming storm. They don’t try to outrun it or struggle  against it. Instead, they stand firm and without fear while the storm roars forward and then rages around them until it eventually dissipates and moves on.

Buffalo invites you to look at where you may be procrastinating or avoiding something. Are you caught in a pattern from a conditioned belief that a difficulty or challenge will last forever, and you have to carry it as a burden?

Pulling this card is a reminder to either create a calming ritual or put into practice an existing one grounding you in the here and now as you prepare for what is next on your journey.

From this more stable presence, remember to also reflect on the abundance coming from previous teachings. This is what helped stabilize and strengthen you while your spiritual self expanded into trusting what is ahead will be for your highest good.

The next time you are met with inner resistance, see it as a clue to come back into the space of trusting the natural flow of life and being in a state of gratitude for how far you have come. Remember that forcing or pushing will bring struggle, but having faith and trust will make your path much easier to navigate.

With a bit of determination, honoring all phases of life, and a whole lot of thanks for all the lessons learned along the way, you too will be like Buffalo and will withstand the storms.
