Oracle message below included on back.
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So lively and quick, it’s the treasure I am after.
Preparing for days ahead so that I may rest comfortably
in my own little nest.
While I’m busy, busy, busy for much of the day, I appreciate
just as much, and bring to you the teaching of rest also.
It’s in the preparation and productivity of each day, but also the solace of stillness
that a sense of abundance fills me
and assures me good fortune for this one precious life.
Nature has an impeccable way of following the earth’s flow
along with universal law that provides me just what I need.
Chitter chatter as I may, I also understand being quiet, while feeling into
the ground beneath my feet and allowing Spirit to move through me
as the most organic way of being.
This is what brings me peace as I breathe into the present moment
and trust all will be well.