Cicada Message

Click on image to see a short close up video of cicada.

Message below that is included on the back of the piece.

SOLD   $45 plus shipping.


It’s time to come up from the darkness

and the space of inner exploration that served

as a guide to gently shed your shell of insecurities.

As you now emerge and rise into your full potential

you enthusiastically dance upon the earth

and share the gift that is uniquely you.

As you do, you realize with utter delight you aren’t alone.

There are others here singing their soul songs too.

And as you open your wings of worthiness

 you see all around you the most exquisite colors

and hear a lovely chorus of sweet melodies

that vibrate deep into every fiber of your being

that you now fully embody your true essence.


Made for the love of animals & their guiding wisdom.
