Donkey Oracle Message – ARHO

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Donkey is a symbol of strength and alertness, its grand, soft, and sensitive ears reminding you to be vigilant and stay in tune with the small voice within. This voice is consistently on guard, a loving presence guiding you through obstacles and helping you overcome challenges without too much upheaval.

If you’ve ever observed a donkey you will see they walk the same path every day. Over time, this path becomes well-worn; a wonderful metaphor for you to remain on course and stay attentive to that which you know is at the heart of what is best and in alignment for your life.

Be wary of those who may try to pull you away from the trail you intuitively know is your soul’s calling. In this way, Donkey’s stubbornness can be a positive influence, reminding you to lean into your heart’s knowing and not budge from your truth.

By staying on your perfectly designed path, you will be given the gift of resting more comfortably and easily in the here and now. When you find yourself feeling off-balance, it is a clue to check in with your mind and observe whether it has either drifted into the past or is worried about the future. Take gentle note and then, like the swish of a Donkey’s tail swats away the flies, let those thoughts go.

By staying in touch with what’s right before you and remembering to be in tune with your personal power, you will feel fulfilled as you observe the path of wisdom you’ve walked and achieved because of persistence and endurance.
