
Honoring Your Inner Child through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles – Workshop Replay

Previously a fee based workshop that supported WI Wolf & Wildlife, I’m now offering this workshop Free of Charge.

“Your talk and presentation were incredible today, Barb. I honestly was blown away by the card picks and your journaling prompts. I’m a big believer in both oracle cards and journal prompts and they were both on point for me in a big way.”  ~M.R.
Come experience the wisdom of animals and oracles as I offer four writing prompts for your inner child, pull four cards from my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck, and share from the guidebook the meaning for each card/animal drawn.
A lovely experience that served as helpful insight and welcome reminders to witness the animals that showed up for Honoring the Inner Child through the Wisdom of Animals & Oracles with some wonderful synchronistic moments!