Frog Oracle Message – ARHO

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Floating peacefully on the lily pad, Frog intentionally and slowly inhales the calming essence of the fragrant flower. Then, with renewed energy, Frog hops upon the land and swims in rivers and lakes, yet feels most at home in the water.

Frog is encouraging you to explore and go outside your comfort zone in order to change and grow. This may bring up a vulnerable aspect, but Frog has leapt into your view today to ask you to examine and then release negative or painful emotions in order to soothe your nervous system which may be feeling frazzled.

Before making a change, it’s helpful to cleanse that which no longer serves you in order to rest more comfortably in the present and transcend to the next unfolding of your being. This requires you to have practices in place helping you feel grounded as you go through transformations during your time here on Earth. Frog has appeared as your guide to assure you that by tuning into your inner compass, you will always land confidently in exactly the right place you need to be at any given time.

As you move through times of uncertainty, honoring all emotions through the process, you will soon realize an ease of adapting becoming second nature.

You are calm and you faithfully trust life’s abundant flow to carry you to your next destination.
