Giraffe Oracle Message – ARHO

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Tall and graceful, Giraffe has the distinct advantage of observing the planet from many perspectives while grounded and balanced upon long, lean, and strong legs.

This is a splendid opportunity to take a moment to reflect upon where you might have a limited view of possibilities causing you to feel off-balance.

Giraffe is by nature quiet and noncombative — keen qualities to take note of at this time. As you do your inner work, unencumbered by outside distractions, you are more easily able to release negative forces and stay in harmony with your own essential way of being.

Giraffe has a large and strong heart so blood can make it up their long neck to their brain, facilitating critical thinking. This reminds you to pause when feelings of confusion arise. The third horn in the middle of Giraffe’s head is symbolic of the third chakra in the middle of your forehead, which is connected to your intuition.

Place your awareness on this chakra as a compassionate observer of where your thoughts may presently be leading you astray. Allow your breath to slow, and as your mind begins to quiet, thoughtfully guide your consciousness toward the center of your heart. Within this sacred space, serenity is a natural way of being.

While at times you may feel alone in your way of observing life, know you can always tap in to this realm of peace. With this insightful reminder and self-loving pause, you can then move back into your daily life with an expanded understanding, and in this nimble state, pursue with confidence your hopes and dreams.
