Goat Oracle Message – ARHO

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Curious and ready for an adventure, Goat playfully nudges you to jump aboard the game of life and see where it will take you. As you venture ahead on a new path, unsure yet excited, Goat encourages you to be flexible.

While there may be challenging terrain ahead, Goat reminds you to pause to reflect on how far you’ve come. The life lessons you’ve learned to date are what will guide you through these times when it may feel as if you are on a detour or are moving sideways instead of straight ahead.

Goat cheers you on to stay the course, be inquisitive, ask for help if need be, and know you are capable of small and large leaps toward what will bring you more opportunities and joy.

It’s also important to trust you will land exactly where you are meant to be and gain the expanded knowledge needed for the next best step. Indeed, when you look back you will see with clarity how life unfolded as it was supposed to.

Keep your investigator’s hat on, explore with an open mind, and watch as you are taken to new heights of inspiration and understanding. Life is but an adventure.
