Hummingbird Message ARHO

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Hummingbird sits tranquilly upon a branch, exuding utter delight and awe of the wonder and magic
of the infinite Universe.

While hovering in place, Hummingbird appears to be in a contemplative state of mind, then it suddenly flits away, zipping forwards and backwards and up and down. In this way, Hummingbird reminds you of the importance of not getting stuck in your head while also remembering to observe life from many perspectives.

Hummingbird says when you linger too long in repetitive thoughts they create a maddening loop going nowhere. Instead, be still during times of confusion, connect with your higher self, and trust
and believe in the voice and wisdom of your heart.

Hummingbird wings are so small and fragile, yet they make a loud buzz when they fly. This is a lovely reflection to key in on those flashes of intuition landing in your heart with a clear sense of knowing, or something you hear that you clearly understand as the voice of truth speaking.

The more you welcome in sacred times to pause and connect inwardly before moving forward, the more developed and stronger your inner knowingness will become.

Believe in yourself and all of your capabilities while joyously partaking in all the sweet moments life has to offer.
