Mouse Oracle Message – ARHO

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Mouse, when outside the house, is larger than life. Inside the house, Mouse represents motivation to pause and explore what it is you may be overlooking that has you feeling uneasy.

Is there a thought or vision playing like a loop in your mind? Mouse encourages you to go deeper and examine why this keeps occurring.

Is there a secret within keeping you from living up to your full potential? It’s time to become the
observer of your repetitive thoughts and/or visions and give dedicated attention to that which you have been keeping in the dark. It is there, in what you perceive as the murky recess of your mind, you may find a sacred space leading to insightful pieces of truth.

Taking the time to acknowledge and focus on these persistent thoughts will help bring the details into the light for healing. Trust there is a tremendous growth opportunity when you compassionately examine that which scares you.

It’s the seemingly small details that can either feel like a wedge of concrete stopping you from moving forward, or when explored, expressed, and integrated, become the key to your freedom and have you enthusiastically embracing the journey ahead.
