Rabbit Oracle Message – ARHO

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In a world spinning with commotion, Rabbit sits still as a statue, refusing to take part in the frenetic energy. Rabbit remains alert while exuding stability, and carefully considers when the right time is to make its next move.

Receiving this card means you are invited to stop and take stock of the cycles of life. At times it’s rich and fertile with creativity, growth, and expansion. Other times it’s important to retreat into a protective shell, much like Rabbit scratches a hollow in the earth and burrows into the ground so as to be less visible.

Rabbit offers you this wisdom, encouraging you to cradle yourself in Mother Earth’s nurturing and loving vitality and gently take note of the times you’ve selflessly given your energy to mothering others.

It’s time to honor yourself with that same care, love, and sustenance you need. In this way, you stay connected to the wise inner self, which is always connected to Source, so you can co-create your next step in life. Rabbit is reminding you to rejuvenate your vitality so you can move forward with an invigorated spirit and clear sense of purpose.

This sacred gift of clarity then carries you back out into the world to serve others in a positive and caring way which enriches your journey as well.
