Renowned novelist E.M. Forster wrote: “I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little farther down our particular path than we have yet got ourselves.”
If your authentic self has disappeared beneath a burden of should-haves or could haves–pleasing everyone but yourself, worrying about everything that’s out of your control while ignoring what only you can change, settling for less than you know you can be–this is such a book.
Author Barbara Techel has certainly gone farther down the path toward self-discovery than most of us have dared, and here she shares that journey with readers ready for its influence on their own choices. It’s your time: to grow; to learn from a woman who’s overcome her deepest fears to live joyfully, with integrity and intent; and to marvel at the magic of it happening under the guidance and knowing eyes of a small, red dog on wheels.
Let this story seep into your consciousness and inspire you–indeed, allow you–to start or continue your own fulfilling journey to who you really are. You’ve picked up this book because you’re craving the inspiration and uplift it so generously offers. Don’t put it down. It’s a gift if you’re ready to accept it. Read it. Hold onto it to remind you that though you may have work to do, you absolutely can achieve the life you’re striving for. Free yourself of the things that no longer matter, and embrace how beautiful the world is to someone who can see it…through Frankie’s eyes.
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What Others are Saying About Through Frankie’s Eyes
Barbara struggled with her own feelings about disability and whether she wanted to meet the challenge of caring for a disabled dog. In the end, she found a deeper connection with herself, her dog and her community—realizing her dream of being a writer by sharing her story with others. This is a story of how being of service to those beings we love, we come to find our higher destiny.
~ Leslie Grinell, Owner of Eddie’s Wheels
Through Frankie’s Eyes is a gorgeous tribute to the depth of relationship and connection that people can have with one another, themselves, domestic and wild animals, and the Universe. Barbara’s story is one of resiliency, allowing, perseverance, trust, faith, and an immense amount of love. This book is guaranteed to bring your heart to a new level of loving, and will lift your spirit to higher ground. Barbara, you are an incredible inspiration!
~ Sage Lewis, Author of JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman
Reading Barbara’s book I enjoyed learning about her path to finding Frankie and their mission in life. Their journey together to help others is inspirational and uplifting. The stories of her work with hospice and children is heartwarming, especially the chapter about Jackson. It felt like I was reliving that day as if I was there when Frankie and Jackson first met. It is obvious that Frankie continues to guide Barbara along her path to helping others.
~ Linda Stowe, Founder of Dodgerslist
A story of courage and compassion as one woman finds herself through loving partnership with her canine companions. Barbara’s book offers inspiration for everyone who loves animals and desires to deepen in relationship with a beloved animal and with oneself.
~Dawn Baumann Brunke, author of Animal Voices: Animal Voices, Animal Guides; Shapeshifting with our Animal Companions and Animal Teachings
Through Frankie’s Eyes is a beautiful book about life, love, enlightenment, and lessons learned from a dog. The adage states the teacher appears when the student is ready. Frankie was the teacher, and Barbara the student… Through Frankie, Barbara’s purpose found her.
~ Charmaine Hammond, Best-selling award-winning author On Toby’s Terms
Barbara Techel’s moving story of her journey toward living a fully realized life, as inspired by a small dog who changed her life in ways she never could have dreams of, is an inspiration for anyone who is on a path of creating a life of purpose and meaning.
~Ingrid King, award-winning author of Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master and Teacher and Purrs of Wisdom: Conscious Living, Feline Style