Wolf Oracle Message – ARHO

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White Wolf stands confidently in the flames of truthfulness and with the most caring and loving gaze calls you to step into the sacred space of your heart at this tender time.

You have traveled long and far, at times through difficult terrain and sometimes feeling as if you couldn’t bear even one more painful moment. But Wolf is here to assure you those emotional upsets bringing you to your knees were integral to your growth and essential to expand your heart.

Wolf, wild and free though often misunderstood, reminds you while safeguarding the precious resource that is your heart to also courageously open yourself fully to explore new pathways. Despite whether others understand or not, move to your own natural rhythm in the direction of what is beckoning you.

Be assured all the introspective work and earned knowledge you’ve gained will skillfully guide you.

The journey you’ve traveled thus far — and remaining loyal to what is true for you — is what is about to take you on yet another adventure and bring you to new territories of understanding yourself.

Each time you arrive at another juncture cracking you wide open, stop, and bow in gratitude to the Universe for this opportunity to stretch yourself even further than you realized you could.

Every time you allow yourself to climb the mountain of faith, you will find when you reach the top a harmonious sensitivity softly lands and settles peacefully within you. This is when you know beyond a doubt you have once again arrived home to the heart of who you truly are.
