Reflection: I Kid You Not. This Really Happened.

IMG_1992 eI am on day ten of the ecourse, “The Sacred Alone” facilitated by Susannah Conway.  Every morning I’ve read the essay, done the 5-minute meditation, and wrote in my journal for at least 10 minutes. Except for Sunday, when I did The Sacred Alone in the afternoon, which was a lovely change of pace for that day.

Yesterday we worked with holding beads in our hands during the meditation, so I added the beads to this small altar that has now become an unplanned altar of sorts, dedicated to the sacred alone time I’m doing.

Today’s meditation is what Susannah called, “Mirror Meditation.” I am familiar with mirror work having been introduced to it through my life coach many years ago.

But using it within a meditation was intriguing… as well as, challenging. We were encouraged to look into a mirror. I chose the one I had nearby which is a small round one as you see in the photo.

We were told to just look without making any judgment. So looking in a mirror pretty much first thing in the morning isn’t what most women would say is their favorite thing to do. But being dedicated to this ritual, I didn’t want to back down even though it felt uncomfortable at first.

Right away, forgetting what Susannah just said, I noticed my flaws, or what I really should say as “perceived” flaws. The blemish on my nose, the age spots, the dark in the corner of my eyes, my neck which wrinkles that seem to wrinkle a little more each day. While looking at my neck, in my head I heard myself say, “What is that anyways?”

Susannah guided us in the short meditation challenging ourselves to really look at ourselves kindly and with compassion. To think of someone we love and cherish as if you were looking at them, but to apply that to our own reflection. To look into our own eyes and like what we see. To say to ourselves out loud, I see you, I honor youI love you. It felt odd, but Susannah assured us that was okay.

After the meditation, one of our prompts for journaling was to write what came up for us when we looked in the mirror. Thinking of my friend who I adore, who I had thought of when I was looking in the mirror, I realized something.

It’s something I continue to work on within myself— to be a reflection and an example to other women to like who they are. I’m not always perfect, and am a work in progress. But this friend came into my mind and I knew it was a reminder to me to be that example not only for her, but for other women too. To like what I see. To honor myself so they too can honor themselves.

As I wrote those words, I was moved to tears. After I was done writing in my journal, as I’ve done since starting this ecourse, (though it is not actually part of the 20-minute ritual), I picked a Grace card. I pick one at random or follow my intuition. The word reflection popped in my head as I picked up the deck of cards. So I counted how many letters are in reflection and counted to card 10.

I kid you not… this is the card that came up — SELF: Go within. When we invest more energy in developing our spiritual lives, the outer world begins to take care of itself.

Goosebumps ran up and down my arms. Wow, I thought, this is amazing. I sat in awe for quite a few moments and couldn’t believe what just happened.

Then later this morning I received a text from the very same friend who I thought about while I did my mirror meditation. She sent me a photo she took of herself with her phone, looking into her mirror. It looks like her, but yet, it does not. It was so very beautiful. I wanted to cry from the shear beauty of it, but also from how connected I felt in that moment with her– as if we were seeing each others soul’s, both having done mirror work in our own way without realizing the other was doing it.  By the way, she is not taking this ecourse, so she wouldn’t have known I had just done this same thing this morning.

It was just the photo of her and no text. In some ways, I felt like I was looking at my younger self after having just done the mirror work. It felt so surreal.

I then checked my email. I subscribe to Daily Joyride, so each day I get a different quote.  This is the quote that was in my inbox:

“Tear off the mask. Your face is beautiful.” -Rumi

No denying there was absolute synchronicity going on here today. I’m still marveling in it and will likely for quite some time to come.

A Little Fairy Showed Up in the Night.

IMG_1986 1200It seems 304 Kettleview Court was a random act of kindness hit over night.

John opened the front door this morning to let Kylie out and between the doors was this sweet, pink dog bed. No card. Just the bed.

Well, of course, a fairy must have left it. They don’t write cards. They just sprinkle their magic fairy dust to leave their gift into whatever it is they wish for it to be.

Wherever you are little fairy of sweetness, we say a gracious thank you. I do hope you read blogs so you see our thank you… from me and Gidget.

As you can see, Lil G is quite happy with her new cozy spot to nap her days away as her mama works. We hope you are enjoying a well deserved little nap too. Sweet dreams little ones…. sweet dreams.

NOTE:  I wrote two blog posts today, so just wanted to let you know as I’m not sure how and if it shows up in your reader if you subscribe that way. It was a goosebump morning that I had to share what transpired and didn’t want you to to miss it.

Joy Angels: “Greeter for the Animals, All of whom are blessed.”

IMG_0581Joy Angel, Frankie

I recently ran across this poem about losing a dear beloved pet. It resonated with me on many different levels. I especially loved this line, “Stop thinking, and just feel it. And let love do the rest.”

One thing I continue to be so grateful for before Frankie passed away, is exactly this. I was in the moment of each second, minute, and hour before she passed away. It was a gift to hold her in my arms and thank her for everything she did for me. I set aside the pain and sadness I knew was coming. I knew I would feel it and move through it soon. But in those hours I just wanted to BE with her. Our souls touching, connecting, feeling. Not for one last time, but so that I could recall it and feel it when I need it most.

Frankie, like all animals, truly are Joy Angels, if we can find the courage to let them be just that. Enjoy the poem.

Joy Angels

by Lisa Dingle

I sat still, in the waiting room
My old dog at my feet
Another tear had made its way
Haltingly down my cheek.

I heard a voice, from ‘cross the room
And I realized that she
Was speaking, so very softly
To the old dog, and to me.

“Ah, he’s an old boy, and you’re sad,”
With that much, she had surmised
What we were doing here today
I looked up, into her eyes.

She smiled, just a little bit
She asked me if I knew
Where he was going after this
And my head and heart withdrew.

“I don’t believe in bridges
Made of rainbows.” I softly said
Reaching down to lay my hand
Atop my old dog’s head.

I heard her rising from her chair
She came and knelt beside my boy
And she said she had to tell me
About angels filled with joy.

“Ever since I was a little girl
I’ve been able to see
And talk to those who’ve gone before
And they have talked to me.”

“When a child leaves this world
They have a special place
In the next world they become
‘Joy Angels’, filled with grace.”

“Joy Angels have their pick of roles
And the one that they love best
Is as Greeter for the Animals,
All of whom are blessed.

“For every single animal,
Whether wild or quite tame
It works out every single time
And it’s always just the same.”

“When an animal is entering
The bells begin to chime
And a Joy Angel is right there for them

I searched her eyes for some sign
That she did not believe
That she was telling me the truth,
Or that she was naive.

She looked at me, and then my boy
“Can I just suggest… “
“Stop thinking, and just feel it.
And let love do the rest.”

And too soon I was cradling him
Gently in my arms
I told him not to be afraid
Not to be alarmed.

I loved him so very much
He was such a good, good boy
And he had someone waiting for him
An angel, filled with joy.

And when I got home I whispered,
In a house quiet and still,
“Take care of him”, and I swear I heard
A small voice say, “I will”.

Shared today in special memory of friends who have recently lost their beloved pets: For Mary and Weaver, Jodee and Sargent Harvey and Scotty and Maggie.