A Little Fairy Showed Up in the Night.

IMG_1986 1200It seems 304 Kettleview Court was a random act of kindness hit over night.

John opened the front door this morning to let Kylie out and between the doors was this sweet, pink dog bed. No card. Just the bed.

Well, of course, a fairy must have left it. They don’t write cards. They just sprinkle their magic fairy dust to leave their gift into whatever it is they wish for it to be.

Wherever you are little fairy of sweetness, we say a gracious thank you. I do hope you read blogs so you see our thank you… from me and Gidget.

As you can see, Lil G is quite happy with her new cozy spot to nap her days away as her mama works. We hope you are enjoying a well deserved little nap too. Sweet dreams little ones…. sweet dreams.

NOTE:  I wrote two blog posts today, so just wanted to let you know as I’m not sure how and if it shows up in your reader if you subscribe that way. It was a goosebump morning that I had to share what transpired and didn’t want you to to miss it.