The World Upside Down? Nuthatch Brings a Shift in Perspective.

May my heart always be open to little birds who are the secret of living. ~e.e.cummings

For the second time in three days, fifty-mile-per-hour winds are whipping through our area. I ponder for a moment the thought, how do birds fly in these ferocious winds?

But somehow they do. I appreciate the resiliency of that image in my mind – something so small and seemingly fragile, yet they can fly through fierce gusts of wind.

Oh, how that reflects the planet right now and what is dark in our world, and the more we fight against what we don’t wish to see, the harder the flight will be. But if we believe that light always wins (and I believe it does!) the easier it will be to move through these difficult times. We are stronger than we think.

The nuthatch – as is depicted in this lovely potholder made by fiber artist, Maria Wulf – and often seen upside down – is a wonderful reminder about seeing things from another perspective.

It was about two weeks ago that I very quietly opened the patio doors to head out to my Joyful Pause Cottage studio. I really didn’t want to disturb a nuthatch who was feeding on a peanut butter treat hanging off the top of our chiminea while another one was pecking at the seed block hanging next to my studio door.

I stepped as lightly as I could across the deck to my studio door. To my delightful surprise, the nuthatches carried on as if I wasn’t even there. In between bites of seed, they chortled their sweet sounds. Listen to a recording here if you’d like to hear how they sound.

Once inside my studio, I sat for a moment marveling in the wonder of the enchanting encounter. I’d realized I’d been feeling out of sorts with so much negative news of late and how the world has felt so upside down these last few years. But yet in those short few moments with those nuthatches, I was transported to a gentler and kinder realm.

It was two days later that I’d see the beginnings of bird potholders being created by Maria Wulf and featured on her blog. My eye went right to the nuthatch and I knew it was for me.

I quickly emailed Maria asking if it was still available. After hearing back that it was I shared with her my encounter with the nuthatches and why I had to have that potholder. As it would turn out, the other bird potholders sold quickly too and many of those had a story also from those who bought them. You can read about them here on Maria’s blog.

Not only did I feel part of a sweet moment of community with those nuthatches on my deck that day, but now I felt part of this bird-loving community through the potholders Maria created and then in the sharing of the stories on her blog.

While the world can often feel upside down, I deeply appreciated these moments of coming back to the heart of what matters – and how this potholder – which matches so nicely the colors in my home – will now be a reminder of all the good and beautiful in the world.

While at some point I may actually use it as a potholder, I thought it fitting, for now, to hang it on the back of my Joyful Pause Cottage studio door for those times I need a reminder to shift my perspective and to remember that I can weather any storm.

And lastly, I share this short video I took earlier in February of a nuthatch feeding on one of the homemade treats I make for them. Enjoy! 




I Now Understand Why this Stuffed Pink Octopus from Childhood Meant So Much to Me

The Octopus card I created for my upcoming Animal Reflections Oracle Deck had been sitting on my writing desk for four days.

Last Thursday I ‘shuffled’ the remaining cards I have left to write messages for and pulled Octopus. Sitting on my office chair in front of my computer I held the card in my hands. The first thing that popped into my mind was an image of me with a bright pink and lime green stuffed octopus I’d gotten for Christmas when I was a young girl.

It was then that I became very emotional and my eyes filled with tears.

Next, I thought about the film I’d watched last year called, My Octopus Teacher. A deeply moving film about the relationship between a man who is a scuba diver and an octopus.

But it was the image of me and that stuffed octopus that was evoking something I couldn’t name and caused me to feel weepy. Over the years when I’d see the photo or think of the image I’d wonder why it was I’d wanted that octopus. It just seemed an ‘odd’ or not a typical animal to ask for as a young child. 

I’d had many stuffed animals when I was young, but the octopus was one I’d always wished I’d hung onto. But why?

What was Octopus trying to share with me? When I tried to write a message for Octopus it just wouldn’t flow. Something felt off. I knew then I needed to just let this sit until I was ready.

I tried again the next day, but again, it didn’t feel right. So I took some time to study the habitat and behavior of Octopus and allowed that to simmer.

Next, I decided to print out the photo of me and the stuffed pink octopus. Thanks to my mom who saved photos of me when I was young and put them on a disk that I saved to my computer.

The fact that Octopus has eight limbs brought up an exercise I took part in a little over a year ago with my friend, Dawn, who wrote a book that will be released this fall called, Shadow Animals – How Animals We Fear Can Help us Heal, Transform, and Awaken.

In that exercise that will be shared in Dawn’s book, I’d come to understand my fear of spiders linked to my childhood trauma of being touched inappropriately.

While the spider with its eight legs creeped me out, the eight legs of an Octopus felt different to me. While I had viewed spiders out of fear, I felt a sense of motherly love from Octopus. I sensed the eight legs of Octopus wrapping around me as protection. I also sensed Octopus limbs as an extension to the outside world – and that eventually – in my own timing – and learning to expand and trust my own intuition – I’d eventually give voice to what had happened to me.

Octopuses also have the ability to camouflage themselves as a way of protection when danger is near and this brought up how I’d kept my secret hidden for over fifty years. Just like Octopus retreats into a cave-like structure within the ocean, a part of me had also retreated within as a way to emotionally protect myself.

As I worked through all that Octopus was sharing with me I realized that the stuffed octopus was my friend, my confidant, my protector. Now the tears flowed again but this time from a feeling of joy and what that stuffed octopus really meant to me – all these years – that I never really knew why. And now I do.




Introducing my NEW Dimensional Animal Art!

Just as I sat down to write this post these lyrics went through my mind: “What the world needs now is love sweet love.” 

Love for the animal kingdom and opening myself to their teachings has definitely brought more love into my life.

My new dimensional animal art is inspired by the idea that animals offer such diverse teachings. They guide us to open to different perspectives and encourage us to welcome in the many different dimensions of ourselves.

This is a good thing! Because each layer and facet of who we are shapes us and has something of value to offer us. Even the parts of us that we may struggle with.

And the animals are here on this planet as loving messengers and most willing to serve us every step of the way toward loving all parts of who we are.

There have been many different animals that have guided me to go beneath the surface and explore with love what it was I needed to heal. I’m forever grateful to them for this. And why I was inspired to create these new pieces of art that are now for sale.

You can see more photos of these in my Etsy shop, plus a short video of each to view the dimensional aspect with the layers and how the animals ‘pop’ from the wood surface.

They are mixed media on 3 x 5 wooden templates and include pieces of nature I collect on my walks or from around my Joyful Pause Cottage such as flowers, feathers, branches, and stones.

Each piece also includes a few sparkly gems, because the animals most definitely are masters at helping us to shine our light and live with more joy!

Available now in my Etsy shop here!



P.S. My Etsy shop will be closed from March 4th through April 10th as I take some time away to enjoy myself with my husband in our Rpod camper and a warm climate.