Animals as Oracles: A Quest to Connect, Contemplate and Create

The animal world has much to teach us. Some animals are experts at survival and adaptation. Some are great nurturers and protectors. Some have great fertility and others have great gentleness. Some embody strength and courage, while others can teach us playfulness. The animal world shows us the potentials we can unfold. But to learn from them, we must first learn to speak with them.

When we learn to speak with the animals, to listen with animal ears and to see through animal eyes, we experience the phenomena, the power, and the potential of the human essence. They become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. They show us the true majesty of life itself. They restore our forgotten childlike wonder at the world, and they reawaken our lost belief in magic, dreams and possibilities. ~Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak – The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

I feel so blessed to have, and continue to, experience many beautiful teachings from animals – dogs I’ve shared (and share) my life with – and many of the creatures in the animal kingdom.

In my quest to deepen this journey I want to:

  • Continue to deepen my love and understanding of animals, connecting more often with their symbolic teachings and wisdom.
  • Devote more time to my writing and journaling to allow teachings from the animals to gently bubble to the surface.
  • Deepen my work with oracle cards as a tool for self-reflection and insight I may not otherwise have thought of as a way in which to see the world in a more insightful and meaningful way.
  • Honor my desire to express my creativity, and especially that of playing more with something I could honestly get lost in for hours, which is creating with digital programs such as Canva.

So every day I will draw a card from an animal oracle deck, percolate in its wisdom, consider how I can integrate that animals teaching into my life…and then I will share my insight via a graphic I will design in Canva!

I welcome you to join me on this quest as a partner and sharing how animals have served as oracles in your life, too! Just follow along on Facebook or Instagram, using the hashtag #animalsasoracles

Today’s animal card from: Messages from Your Spirit Animal Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer

Gather in Sacred Circle and Weave Your Intentions into 2018: Dreamcatcher Workshop

Gather in Sacred Circle and Weave Your Intentions into 2018: Dreamcatcher Workshop

I’m thrilled and honored to invite you to this Dreamcatcher workshop that I’m co-facilitating with Rachel Nick of LaValley Nature and Equine Sanctuary. It is being held at my home studio, Joyful Pause.

This year is being hailed as the year we take back our power, nurture our intuition, and set intentions that more deeply satisfy our heart’s true desires.

In this interactive workshop we will:

  • Release what no longer serves you
  • Open to your innate wisdom through meditation
  • Capture your desires through journaling
  • Weave your visions and aspirations into a dreamcatcher
  • Gather with like-minded women, share stories, connect, and be inspired

When: Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Time: 12:30-4:00pm

Where: Joyful Pause Studio, Elkhart Lake 

Rachel & Barbara

Barbara Techel and Rachel Nick will be your guides into this intuitive, mindful, creative and fun excursion.

Cost:  $45 (includes all materials and a portion of workshop fee will be donated to LaValley Nature and Equine Sanctuary).

LaValley’s Nature and Equine Sanctuary mission is to preserve land for plant, wildlife, equine and permaculture use while inspiring others to do the same. We offer a permanent, safe and natural environment for aged horses to retire and live out the rest of their days peacefully.

Due to limited space preregistration is required.

The “Digger” that Reminded Me the Importance of Slowing Down

The “Digger” that Reminded Me the Importance of Slowing Down

We had about six inches of snow yesterday. With not a cloud in the sky and the sun shining so brilliantly this morning, I felt the call to saunter in the woods.

After doing a reading for a client, I scampered into the house, and layered on all my winter gear. I was excited to meet up with Mr. Walking Stick once again.

As I approached the pine tree on the right at the end of the first leg of the path, I could see my faithful walking stick friend nestled in the branches where I carefully place him after each of my walks.

As I reached out and grabbed him, I silently I said, “Hello, Mr. Walking Stick. Are you ready to go?”

Thinking about the client I had just met with, I was holding her in my heart that she find a sense of direction she is in search of, and the cards revealing that taking time to pause and go inward was being called for.

The gift of pausing has been on my mind much lately too.

My feet happy to be the first ones making tracks in the new fallen snow, but my mind still in a thousand other places, and before I knew it, out went my feet from under me, and I found myself on my back, staring up at the blue sky.

There was ice under the snow and down I went with my head being the last to hit the ground. Luckily, with all my padding of clothing and enough snow, I didn’t really feel hurt anywhere, but was just stunned for a moment.

And it was a reminder for me as I brushed myself off and continued my walk.

Walking in winter is so much different and my favorite quote from author and illustrator, Tasha Tudor echoed in my mind, “I don’t believe in hurry.”

It’s no wonder I love that quote as it is something I continually work on practicing and integrating into my life. Taking that fall was another reminder. There was no need to be in a hurry to get to the woods – they weren’t  going anywhere, after all. But I did have on my mind what was “next” on my schedule when I returned to my writing cottage.

Also, having a passion for much in life, and wanting to experience as much as I can, I can sometimes forget and hurry, instead of just being in the moment of what is. Though I must say I’m much, much better than years ago, and I’m grateful for how far I’ve come.

But as I continued my walk through the woods, I made sure to consciously connect with each step. As I did, I also took time to stop every few feet and look around. With so much gear on, my face mostly covered by my large furry hood, it requires making an effort to look left, right, up and behind.

It was such a perfect metaphor for life, I thought, being in conscious mind, making sure I carefully watched each step I took in the snow, as I wound my way down and up and over the snow covered paths, but also pausing now and then to take in all the beauty around me.

So I’m grateful for the “digger” and even more so, that I didn’t break anything! But even more than that, I am grateful for the reminder of how much beauty there is when we live more in the moment, and not what just was, or what will be.

Last by not least, I recalled this drawing my Facebook friend and artist, Abrah Griggs, recently shared. She’s an amazing artist by the way, and I invite you to check out her fun art that often has birds and spiders wearing galoshes! At any rate, I’m not sure her meaning behind this drawing, but for me it means that whether or not I’d have cleats on, if I’m not in the moment and paying attention…. well, I’m still likely going to fall on my ARS!

P.S. Don’t worry mom, I’m okay. Even at 54 1/2 years old, I know my mama still worries about me, so just need to reassure her I am fine. XOImage may contain: drawing