We Had Joy, We Had Fun. Thinking of Gidget and the Joy of Squirrels.

Right after I had to make the heart-wrenching decision last month to let Gidget go due to congestive heart failure I heard these words from the song, Seasons in the Sun, pop into my head: We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. I know it was Gidget letting me know it was time and it was okay.

Other lyrics to that song from Terry Jacks are:

Goodbye my friend it’s hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I’ll be there

In the weeks since Gidget has been gone the lines, now that spring is in the air and think of me and I’ll be there often run through my mind.

The truth is I wanted one more summer with her. But I know if I’d had one more, I’d want another and another. 

I’ve found such comfort in this song as the earth is so alive right now with birds, squirrels, chipmunks, fawns, and deer that I often see in our yard. Seeing and observing wildlife has me often thinking of Gidget. I feel grateful to have this connection with animals during a time I’m missing my sweet girl.

I had to chuckle seeing Squirrel dining yesterday late afternoon with his pretend friend—a rustic squirrel I bought at an art gallery last summer. I called Gidget a little squirrel at times when she was, well, you know, acting squirrely!

And again, while I’d have loved one more summer with her, I’m feeling grateful for the companionship of all the animals in the wild. I feel like Gidget wanted it this way and that she knew this is what my heart would need. It would be so like her to think of my best interest.

So while Squirrel snacked on peanuts I sat quietly and watched feeling grateful for the joy they bring and the sweet memories of Gidget that saunter through my mind.



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Hey Gidget. Guess What? “I’m Fine Just the Way I Am” Book Update.

Yesterday afternoon the emotions stirred as I took another pivotal step in getting closer to publishing my latest memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am. There is no denying it. I’m one sentimental gal. 

Early this spring three beta readers read my manuscript and last week I finished implementing their feedback. I also tweaked the afterword until it felt right. I then decided to let it rest over the weekend. I wanted to be sure I was ready for the next stage of the book writing process – handing my manuscript over to an editor.

Things progressed smoothly yesterday morning as I reached out to Dana who was my editor for my first two memoirs. She was happy to hear from me and said she is available to edit my latest book. Yay!

I’m really starting to think of all three of my memoirs as a trilogy now. Each one includes what I learned from each of my disabled dachshunds. I also think it shows a culmination of personal growth and transformation I’ve gone through since publishing my first book, Through Frankie’s Eyes in 2013 to Wisdom Found in the Pause in 2017, to this latest memoir.

After I sent my manuscript via e-mail to Dana I immediately thought of Gidget. I talk to her often and usually when I’m on my morning walks or before I go to sleep at night. Today was no different as I picked up the photo of her and said, Hey Gidget. Guess what? We did it! 

It’s because of her that I’m enjoying a new space of acceptance of myself. Because of her that I’ve done some really deep inner work. Because of her that I feel forever indebted to her. And this, of course, after all these months and all that she and I went through, is what prompted tears to fill my eyes.

I couldn’t have done this without her. And even though I’d have preferred the book to end differently than it did, I understand the gift in it in many ways. 

And I celebrate with Gidget in spirit just as if she was here with me physically. 

I’m also appreciating the timing of this stage of the process as it will be a 4-week turnaround for Dana to do the editing. Perfect timing as July is my birthday month. The perfect time to take some breaks and enjoy some just being time.

Though this morning as I came out to my writing cottage I’m feeling a void I’ve felt before when finished with the writing process of a book. It feels empty but fulfilling all at the same time. But another great reminder to honor it all.



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Chaos as Opportunity: Oracle and Animal Guidance for the Week

Our cards this week are both in protection (reverse) Chaos and Conflict and Sandpiper Spirit.

Note: I’m sharing a photo of the cards upright so you can study them for yourselves for added personal insight and how the message may pertain to you.

Whenever this card shows up in a reading I try to take a moment to check in with myself. It’s easy to look at this card and think, Oh no, I don’t want chaos or conflict! Who does, right? But the card pulled in reverse is asking us where do we feel conflicted right now and how can we approach this as an opportunity to deepen in understanding? Not only for the benefit of ourselves but for all involved.

Think about those times where something just wasn’t working out as you hoped. But yet, when you look back you can more often than not see that what you thought you wanted that didn’t come to fruition was actually for your best interest.  In the middle of chaos it’s important to take a moment, pause, and really listen for what you are feeling and to stay in the present moment.

To think ahead of what could be or what might or might not happen only causes more internal chaos and conflict.

Zebra also is a reminder that most things are not black and white. So many factors may be at play and each needs to be taken into consideration.

Sandpiper Spirit as the second card pulled and the message of “Be playful” is another valuable reminder of when something feels out of control the importance of getting out of our mental state and engaging in some time to just be. I love that the Sandpiper on this card is splashing in the water and lotus flowers float around him.

The lotus is rooted in deep mud and grows through to become this beautiful flower. Just like we too, when in the thick of what feels like slogging through the muck is leading us to bloom in a new and expanded way.

Sandpipers are scavengers and must work hard to find their food. This is another good message for us that in order to feel whole we must work for what is important, while also incorporating time to do what brings us joy also.

Hope you enjoyed this general reading for your week!



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Cards used for this week’s general reading: Wisdom of the Oracle and Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid