I’m Fine Just the Way I Am

The Patient Wolf with a Big Heart

Patiently Waiting Inner Wolf potholder by Maria Wulf and wolf card as represented in my Animal Reflections upcoming oracle deck.

Three days had passed since I’d read the post on artist, Maria Wulf’s blog sharing she had some new potholders for sale she’d just created. She named them, Inner Wolf.

I couldn’t get them out of my head. Wolf spirit kept nudging me to go back and see if any of the designs were still available.

I believe that our spirit animal guides speak to us in a variety of different ways as I’ve had many different experiences over the years. And this time, though it may seem unusual, Wolf spirit, a guide who has been with me for quite a few years now, was trying to get my attention once again through Maria’s new creation.

With a final nudge from Wolf I revisited Maria’s post. It was the potholder Maria had named Patiently Waiting that spoke to me and actually brought tears to my eyes. I was happy when I reached out to Maria to find that particular potholder was still available. It was meant to be.

It was later, after receiving it in the mail, and had it sitting on my writing desk for a few days, that I’d realize why this one spoke to me. I reflected on when the spirit of a white wolf came to me during a guided meditation about seven years ago. She came at a time when my heart was shattered from the ending of a friendship I’d given a big piece of my time and heart to. The friendship ended abruptly feeling like it came out of nowhere, though looking back since then I came to understand with more clarity why it had to end when it did.

Wolf spirit was reminding me at that time when my heart was deeply hurting that I still had compassion in my heart, even though I wanted to shut it down so I’d never have to experience that kind of pain again. But white Wolf, while honoring the pain I was experiencing was encouraging me to keep my heart open because it would not only hurt me personally going forward if I didn’t, but could negatively affect my current and future relationships.

Reflecting back on this time and then thinking about the patiently waiting wolf potholder, I realized I was being reminded again about keeping my heart open and not protecting it so fiercely I don’t allow anything in. I felt such love and compassion coming from the image of the wolf on the potholder.

While I don’t wish to share personal details, I realized Wolf’s appearance in this way was about a friendship that is changing in the near future with a friend that will be moving many states away next spring or early summer.

I’d been struggling with my feelings about it, but Wolf spirit, as she has always been for me, was standing patiently by my side, loving me through every emotion that was being stirred within me. I felt her big heart radiating love to me encouraging me to be gentle with myself as I process what will be a new change in my life.

I took note again of the fact that Maria named the post, Inner Wolf. We all have a fierceness, protectiveness, and a loving aspect of ourselves. It’s important to acknowledge all of them and honor each of their processes in order to move through difficulties. So howl when you need to, but also be gentle and loving toward yourself, too.

So in honor of Wolf spirit I’m happy to also share that I have a card in my upcoming Animal Reflections oracle deck to represent her wisdom. You can see the card in the photo above with my now treasured patiently waiting wolf potholder. 

Another way I thought I’d also honor this recent reminder from Wolf spirit is to share an excerpt from my book, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am and the chapter about the white Wolf that came to me and how she eventually shared her name with me.

You can read that excerpt and see the collage card I created to honor that experience here.




Video Book Excerpt Series: Animals, Oracles, Healing & Love

When I look into the eyes of an animal I don’t see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I see a soul. ~A.D. Williams

Today, May 11th marks the two-year anniversary of Gidget’s soul passing on to greater adventures.

As a tribute to Gidget, my desire to help others understand how animals are these incredible, noble beings of light guiding us, and along with my desire to continue to encourage and inspire others to walk their own healing journey, I’ve put together a series of videos with an excerpt from each chapter of my book, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am – Healing Emotional Pain through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles.

The gift of this tiny dog with the heart of a Buddha walked ever-so-lovingly and patiently beside me on a self-healing pilgrimage during the time we were together. This continues to be one of my greatest treasures and stays with me as one of the most profound and positive impacts on my life.

Each day I’ll release a new video until the afterword conclusion has been reached (though disregard I’ve stated in the earlier videos I’d be releasing them weekly. A girl has a right to change her mind!)  🙂

You can follow along with the daily excerpt videos right here on my YouTube channel (by subscribing and clicking on the bell you’ll be automatically notified when a new video goes live).

Other social media areas I’ll be posting a link to the videos are:

We are never alone on our journeys though at times it can feel that way. So again, I hope the sharing of the healing journey Gidget and I walked, shared in these bite-size pieces will be of value and benefit and encourage anyone who needs these messages…

and that we may all begin to really know and trust that we are all fine just the way we are.

So without further ado click here or on the graphic to the preview kick-off to my book excerpt series:



The Nurturing Remains: Refreshing Gidget’s Memorial Marker

Yesterday John and I spent most of the day refreshing the gardens around our house and Joyful Pause Cottage with chocolate-colored mulch. We will finish the rest today. Yay!

This marker in a shape of a heart with a small heart-shaped rock in the center, a sacred spot I can see right outside my cottage window when I’m at my writing desk, is where my sweet Gidget rests. Her heart within mine forever. Though I see the big heart as hers because that was truly who she was – she had such a large heart and capacity for love.

May 11th will mark two years since she moved on for greater travels. The ache of missing her isn’t as acute anymore. Her spirit is quieter now and her visits from the other side not as frequent. But I still sometimes sit in quiet moments and bring up in my mind favorite times with her. It always brings me a great deal of joy and comfort.

To place new mulch over the spot where she rests I found it a sacred and welcoming opportunity to gently set the stones aside, brushing away the dead debris and refreshing the area with fresh mulch. With each stone, I put back into place I did so with a deep appreciation and love as I remembered Gidget and all her wise teachings, silliness, and being the best cuddler ever.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’ve actually gone almost two whole years without another dog. There are times I really miss a dog companion, while other times I’m okay. I continue to trust (though sometimes I have to remind myself) that when the time is right I will know.

In honor of the two-year passing of Gidget and the recent Rio Award for our book, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am, I’ve been working on a special project. I’m recording a short video with an excerpt from each chapter of our book, along with an extra bit of discussion, that will be available on my Youtube channel. My hope is to release the first video on May 11th. So I hope you’ll stay tuned!

As I woke this morning thinking about how good it felt to renew Gidget’s memorial marker yesterday, I was reminded once again of how alive I feel when I can nurture that which I love. Though Gidget isn’t with me on this earthly plane I found that gently and lovingly attending to her place of rest was an enriching way in which I stay connected with her.

And my nurturing her sacred space of peace and all that she means to me, in turn, brought peace and nurturing to my heart.



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